Best of Tracie Thoms: Top Movies and TV Shows to Watch
Cover Images/Ryan Hartford

Discover the best movies and TV shows featuring Tracie Thoms and explore her most memorable roles, and find out why she's a versatile actress worth watching.

Tracie Thoms is an actress whose versatility and talent have earned her a loyal following and critical acclaim. Whether she's starring on Broadway, in movies, or on television, Thoms consistently delivers powerful performances that captivate audiences. This article dives into the best of Tracie Thoms’ movies and TV shows, showcasing some of her most memorable roles and achievements.

Introduction to Tracie Thoms

Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, Tracie Thoms found her passion for acting at an early age. She attended the Baltimore School for the Arts and later graduated from Howard University with a BFA in Acting. Further sharpening her craft, Thoms earned her MFA at the Juilliard School. Her diverse background and rigorous training have equipped her with the skills needed to excel in a wide range of roles, from intense dramas to lighthearted comedies.

Top Movies Featuring Tracie Thoms

1. Rent (2005)

One of Tracie Thoms' most recognized performances is in the film adaptation of the Broadway musical "Rent", where she played Joanne Jefferson. Her portrayal of a headstrong lawyer balancing her career and relationships earned her acclaim and showcased her ability to convey deep emotional nuance through song and performance.

2. Death Proof (2007)

Directed by Quentin Tarantino, "Death Proof" features Thoms in the role of Kim, one of the film's fearless stuntwomen. Her performance added a layer of grit and authenticity to the film's thrilling, action-packed storyline. Thoms' chemistry with co-stars and her convincing portrayal of a tough, determined character left a lasting impression on audiences.

3. The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Though her role as Lily, one of Andy Sachs' best friends, in "The Devil Wears Prada" was smaller, Thoms' performance was no less impactful. Her character provided emotional support and honesty, serving as a reality check for Andy amidst the cutthroat fashion industry. This role demonstrated Thoms’ ability to imbue even minor roles with depth and relatability.

4. Looper (2012)

In the critically acclaimed sci-fi thriller "Looper", Thoms played Beatrix, a character that illuminated her adaptability in diverse genres. Though the role was brief, her presence brought a grounded, human touch to the film’s futuristic setting, proving her ability to enhance the narrative regardless of screen time.

Top TV Shows Starring Tracie Thoms

1. Cold Case (2005-2010)

As Kat Miller in the CBS crime drama "Cold Case", Thoms played a Philadelphia homicide detective with a complex background and a drive for justice. Her character added depth and fresh narratives to the team tasked with solving decades-old crimes, demonstrating her skill in portraying layered, emotionally rich characters.

2. Wonderfalls (2004)

In the whimsical and underrated TV series "Wonderfalls", Thoms played Mahandra McGinty, the protagonist's supportive yet skeptical best friend. Despite the show’s short run, it developed a cult following, propelled partly by Thoms' witty and charming performance.

3. 9-1-1 (2018-Present)

Thoms joined the cast of "9-1-1" later in the series, marking her return to episodic television. Playing the role of Karen Wilson, the wife of firefighter Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Thoms has delivered emotionally charged performances that explore the personal lives of first responders, making her a standout addition to the cast.

4. Truth Be Told (2019-Present)

In Apple TV+'s drama "Truth Be Told", Thoms plays Desiree Scoville, a significant role that allowed her to flex her dramatic muscles. The series examines America’s obsession with true crime podcasts and the consequences of pursuing justice, offering Thoms an opportunity to impactfully showcase her acting prowess.

Other Notable Appearances and Contributions

Beyond her prominent roles in movies and TV shows, Tracie Thoms has also made significant contributions in other mediums. Her Broadway debut came in the production of Rent, and she later starred in "Falsettos". She's also made guest appearances in popular TV series like "Grey's Anatomy", "Law & Order", and "The Good Wife".

Moreover, her voice work in animated series and dedication to socially relevant storytelling strengthen her portfolio, making her a multi-talented performer with a commitment to meaningful art.


Tracie Thoms' dynamic acting range and dedication to her craft have rightfully earned her a place among the most respected actresses of her generation. From powerful movie roles to captivating TV performances, Thoms continually proves her versatility and impact. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to her work, the movies and TV shows highlighted in this article are a testament to her talent and passion for storytelling. For anyone looking to explore the breadth of her career, these selections are essential viewing.

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