Top Sasha Pieterse Movies and TV Shows You Must Watch

With a career that began at a young age, the former 'Pretty Little Liars' star has taken on a diverse array of roles that demonstrate her versatility and talent as an actress.

Sasha Pieterse, a talented actress known for her versatility and captivating screen presence, has amassed a considerable fan following over the years. With a career that began at a young age, she has appeared in a variety of roles that showcase her acting prowess. If you're a fan of Sasha Pieterse or just discovering her work, this article will guide you through her most notable movies and TV shows that you absolutely must watch.

Early Beginnings and Breakthrough Role

Sasha Pieterse started her acting career at just four years old, quickly making a name for herself with guest roles on popular TV series. However, it was her portrayal of Alison DiLaurentis on the hit series "Pretty Little Liars" that catapulted her into the spotlight. Her performance as the enigmatic and complex Alison received critical acclaim and solidified her status as a rising star in Hollywood.

"Pretty Little Liars"

A Gripping Teen Drama

"Pretty Little Liars", often abbreviated as "PLL", is undoubtedly Sasha Pieterse's most iconic work to date. The show, which aired from 2010 to 2017, follows the lives of four friends whose darkest secrets are threatened to be exposed by an anonymous figure known as "A." Sasha's character, Alison DiLaurentis, is the queen bee whose mysterious disappearance sets the entire plot in motion.

The series is filled with twists and turns, making it a must-watch for fans of mystery and drama. Sasha's portrayal of Alison is both captivating and nuanced, displaying her ability to portray a multi-dimensional character.

"Inherent Vice"

A Foray into Feature Films

In 2014, Sasha Pieterse expanded her repertoire by appearing in the critically acclaimed film "Inherent Vice", directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. The movie, based on the novel by Thomas Pynchon, is set in 1970s Los Angeles and follows private investigator Doc Sportello as he navigates a complex web of crime and conspiracy.

Sasha plays Japonica Fenway, a young girl with a troubled past who becomes entangled in the story's central mystery. Her performance in "Inherent Vice" demonstrated her ability to hold her own alongside established actors like Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon, earning her praise from critics and audiences alike.

"G.B.F." (Gay Best Friend)

A Light-hearted Teen Comedy

In addition to her dramatic roles, Sasha Pieterse has showcased her comedic talent in films like "G.B.F.". Released in 2013, this teen comedy revolves around the high school social dynamics that ensue when the school's first openly gay student becomes a sought-after commodity among the popular girls.

Sasha plays Fawcett Brooks, one of the queen bees vying for the attention of the newly outed student. Her comedic timing and ability to deliver witty lines make this film an entertaining watch, highlighting her versatility as an actress.

"The Honor List"

A Heartfelt Friendship Drama

In 2018, Sasha Pieterse starred in "The Honor List", a film that explores the complexities of friendship and loss. The story follows four friends who reconnect after a tragic event to fulfill a bucket list they created in high school. Sasha's character, Isabella Walker, is the glue that holds the group together and her performance is both touching and relatable.

"The Honor List" is a heartfelt drama that showcases Sasha's ability to convey deep emotions and connect with the audience on a personal level. Her portrayal of Isabella adds depth to the film, making it a noteworthy addition to her filmography.

"Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists"

A Spin-off Success

Following the success of "Pretty Little Liars", Sasha Pieterse reprised her role as Alison DiLaurentis on the spin-off series "Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists". The show, which aired in 2019, takes place in the seemingly perfect town of Beacon Heights, where a murder mystery unfolds. Alison, now a teaching assistant, becomes embroiled in the secrets and lies of the new town.

Though the series was short-lived, Sasha's return as Alison was met with enthusiasm from fans. Her performance maintained the intrigue and complexity that made Alison such a compelling character in the original series.

"Burning Bodhi"

A Poignant Indie Drama

"Burning Bodhi", released in 2015, is an indie drama that explores themes of grief, friendship and self-discovery. The film follows a group of high school friends who come together after the death of their friend Bodhi. Sasha Pieterse plays Lauren Winters, one of Bodhi's friends who confronts her past and the unresolved issues in her life.

Sasha's performance in "Burning Bodhi" is raw and heartfelt, showcasing her ability to tackle emotionally charged roles. The film is a departure from her more mainstream projects, highlighting her range and commitment to challenging herself as an actress.


Sasha Pieterse's career is marked by a diverse array of roles that demonstrate her versatility and talent as an actress. From her breakout role in "Pretty Little Liars" to her performances in indie films and comedies, she has continually impressed audiences and critics alike. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to her work, these movies and TV shows are essential viewing to appreciate the depth and range of Sasha Pieterse's acting abilities.

As she continues to take on new and challenging roles, there's no doubt that Sasha Pieterse will remain a prominent figure in the entertainment industry. Her dedication to her craft and ability to bring complex characters to life make her an actress worth watching for years to come.

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