Harrison Butker Defends His Conservative Views on Women's Roles, LGBTQ and More

The Kansas City Chiefs kicker is unapologetic about his controversial beliefs, doubling down on his strong opinions on LGBTQ+ issues and 'diabolical lies told to women.'

AceShowbiz - Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, 28, recently found himself at the center of a heated controversy due to comments made during a May 11 commencement address at Benedictine College. Butker, who emphasized traditional Catholic values, discussed women's roles as homemakers, criticized abortion and LGBTQ+ pride, and condemned in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy, describing these as "diabolical lies told to women."

Responding to the backlash, Butker addressed the audience at the Courage Under Fire gala on May 24, reiterating his views and drawing comparisons to biblical figures who exhibited great courage in the face of persecution. He mentioned, "If it wasn't clear that the timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is now," referencing the intense criticism he received.

During his speech, Butker highlighted the biblical story of Saint Daniel, who was saved by God after being thrown into a lion's den for his unwavering faith. "Would I be so bold if the repercussion was what Daniel faced in being fed to lions?" he pondered, adding, "Any courage I've shown will lead to some small suffering. And it will lead to some people maybe never liking me, but that could be God's will."

Butker's initial remarks previously sparked a significant response, including criticism from the NFL. Jonathan Beane, the league's senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, stated, "His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger."

Additionally, his Chiefs teammates, tight end Travis Kelce and quarterback Patrick Mahomes, expressed their disagreements while emphasizing their respects for Butker as a person and teammate.

Butker's speeches also resonated with right-wing media, gaining support from figures such as Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire. In light of his comments, Butker emphasized the broader cultural clash surrounding topics of faith, freedom, and societal values.

As Butker continues to stand firm in his beliefs amidst a landscape of diverse opinions and increasing debate, his story underscores the complexities of navigating personal faith in the public eye.

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