John Oliver Sounds the Alarm on Donald Trump's Second Term

The comedian warns of the grave consequences of a Donald Trump victory in 2024, highlighting the organized efforts of Project 2025 and the former president's questionable fundraising tactics.

AceShowbiz - As the 2024 presidential election approaches, John Oliver has confronted viewers with the alarming reality of what a second Donald Trump term could entail. In the recent episode of "Last Week Tonight", Oliver emphasized that this time around, Trump would have "a lot more help."

He introduced Project 2025, a comprehensive plan developed by over 100 conservative organizations to guide Trump's agenda if re-elected. Oliver mocked some of the organizations involved, including "Rodeo Clowns for Trump" and "The Marriage is Between a Man and His Property Institute".

He described the project's website as "a conservative LinkedIn," where prospective cabinet members could apply for positions. "It's essentially an open audition for people who might want a new job because they lost their old one on January 6 for some reason," Oliver joked.

Oliver outlined the chilling plans outlined in Project 2025, including dismantling the FBI and Head Start Program. He cautioned that a second Trump term could be far worse than the first, not only because of its efficiency but also because it would be defined by "ruthless efficiency."

Prior to this, Oliver also took aim at Trump's fundraising efforts. He showed a video of Trump pleading for financial support, describing it as a "cash grab" attempt filmed in a "house haunted by the world's tackiest ghosts."

Oliver highlighted Trump's legal troubles and the hundreds of millions of dollars he has spent on legal bills, much of it funded by his supporters. He presented a list of products being sold on Trump's website, including a Bible, cologne, and a mini speaker that "is way too loud and never dies."

Finally, Oliver referred to Trump's social media platform, Truth Social, which has become publicly traded. He compared it to the rise of meme stocks like GameStop, warning that it could be a way for investors to enrich Trump at the expense of their own finances.

In conclusion, John Oliver sounded a sobering alarm about the potential dangers of a Donald Trump presidency in 2024. He highlighted the organized efforts of Project 2025 and the risks posed by Trump's questionable fundraising tactics.

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