Sienna Miller Movie List and TV Shows
Title Star As Genre Info
An Imperfect Murder Vera Lockman - aka "The Private Life of a Modern Woman"
Anatomy of a Scandal Sophie Whitehouse TV -
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Wander Darkly Adrienne - -
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21 Bridges - - aka "17 Bridges"
American Woman Deb Callahan - aka "The Burning Woman"
The Loudest Voice Elizabeth Ailes TV -
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National Theatre Live: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Maggie - -
The Catcher Was a Spy Estella Huni - -
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Live by Night Emma Gould - -
The Lost City of Z Nina Fawcett - -
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Burnt Helene - aka "Adam Jones"
High-Rise Charlotte Melville - -
Mississippi Grind Simone - -
Unfinished Business Chuck Portnoy - aka "Business or Pleasure"
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American Sniper Taya Renae Kyle - -
Foxcatcher Nancy Schultz - -
Hippie Hippie Shake Louise Ferrier - -
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A Case of You Sarah - -
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Just Like a Woman Marilyn - -
Nous York La star / The Movie Star - -
The Girl (2012) Tippi Hedren - -
Two Jacks Diana - -
Yellow (2012) Xanne - -
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G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra The Baroness - -
The Edge of Love Caitlin MacNamara - aka The Best Time of Our Lives
The Mysteries of Pittsburgh Jane Bellwether - -
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Kis Vuk Darcey (voice) VI -
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Camille Camille Foster - -
Interview Katya - -
Stardust Vicotria - -
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Factory Girl Edie Sedgwick - -
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Casanova Francesca Bruni - aka Femur
Layer Cake Tammy - aka L4yer Cake (USA: DVD box title)
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Alfie Nikki - -
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Keen Eddie Fiona Bickerton TV -
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High Speed Savannah - -
The Ride Savannah - aka Joy-Rider
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Bedtime Stacey TV -
South Kensington Sharon - -