Natalie Grant Details Daughter Gracie's Near-Fatal Asthma Attack

In a new interview, the famous singer shares her harrowing experience when her 8-year-old daughter Gracie nearly lost her life to complications from asthma.

AceShowbiz - On Christmas Eve 2015, Natalie Grant's daughter Gracie complained of difficulty breathing, but her symptoms seemed mild at first. However, they worsened the next day, and Natalie took her to the ER, where she was diagnosed with pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung, triggering a severe asthma attack. Gracie's oxygen levels had dropped to an alarming 88 percent, and her breathing couldn't be stabilized with steroids. She was admitted to intensive care for five days.

Natalie and her husband, Bernie, were devastated and felt like failures as parents. They realized the importance of educating themselves about asthma and its management. Gracie recovered fully within two weeks, but the experience taught them the importance of being vigilant. She now takes daily allergy medications and uses a rescue inhaler as needed.

In the aftermath of the incident, Natalie and Gracie have become advocates for asthma awareness and education. They emphasize the importance of recognizing symptoms and seeking help promptly. Gracie's journey has also inspired her to pursue a career in medicine to help others.

Additionally, the power of social media and prayer played a significant role in the Grant family's experience. Natalie's open sharing of Gracie's condition on Facebook sparked a global prayer chain that provided them with comfort and support during this difficult time.

Natalie and Gracie's story highlights the serious risks of asthma and the crucial role of education, early intervention, and advocacy in saving lives.

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