Kourtney Kardashian's Son Mason, 14, Gets Boost From Famous Family After Joining Instagram

Mason officially joins Instagram at the age of 14, already amassing more than 50,000 followers after getting a boost from his famous family including aunts Kim and Khloe Kardashian.

AceShowbiz - Mason Disick, the 14-year-old son of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick, has created quite a buzz by joining Instagram officially. With his famous aunts reacting and his follower count soaring, Mason is all set to make his mark on social media.

After an initial attempt that was nixed by his parents in 2020, Mason has now made a legitimate debut on Instagram, quickly amassing over 30,000 followers. Both Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian were among the first to react, expressing their astonishment at this new development.

"You're really on Instagram," Kim commented on Mason's first post, while Khloe added, "I can't believe this is happening." Khloe also shared the post on her Instagram Stories, emphasizing her disbelief that Mason, who amusingly named his aunts KiKi and KoKo, is now a "legit teenager."

Despite being new to the platform, Mason has already posted several photos with his friends and siblings, Penelope, 11, and Reign, 9. This comes as a surprise to some, given that Kourtney and Scott previously decided to shut down his unauthorized account in 2020 due to age restrictions and privacy concerns.

"Mason started some secret accounts during quarantine," Kourtney explained in a 2021 Vogue Paris interview. "Those were quickly shut down." She emphasized the importance of privacy, adding, "What kids share today, it's there forever."

Interestingly, Mason's maturity was also highlighted late last year when he advised his cousin North West against going live on TikTok without supervision. "She might tell information that isn't correct," Mason warned, adding that she might later regret sharing personal details about their family.

In a sweet but rare update, Scott Disick revealed that Mason is looking forward to a special gift from his grandmother, Kris Jenner. "He's extremely excited about that new car," Scott said, teasing a future present that Mason is eagerly awaiting.

Mason's emergence on Instagram not only marks a significant milestone in his life but also offers an intriguing glimpse into the next generation of the Kardashian-Disick clan. As he steps into the social media limelight, it will be fascinating to see how he navigates the public eye, much like his famous family members.

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