Kourtney Kardashian Battled Covid-19 Amid High-Risk Pregnancy After Making Out With Travis Barker

In the drama-filled premiere of 'The Kardashians' season 5, Kourtney Kardashian navigates the turbulent waters of pregnancy complications, testing positive for COVID-19 right before a carefully planned baby shower.

AceShowbiz - The latest season of "The Kardashians" kicks off with high-stakes drama as Kourtney Kardashian reveals her unexpected COVID-19 diagnosis right before her Disney-themed baby shower. Kourtney, 45, tested positive after a kiss with her husband, Travis Barker, who initially tested negative upon returning from a European tour with Blink-182.

"We make out for six hours," Kourtney explains in the episode, only for her to notice his unusually warm head, leading to a positive COVID test later shared on Instagram.

The news, delivered via FaceTime to her mother Kris Jenner, leaves Kris visibly shaken. Already dealing with a high-risk pregnancy, Kourtney's COVID-19 diagnosis adds another layer of worry. "I'm shaking. I just want Kourtney to be okay," Kris, 68, expressed emotionally.

According to the Mayo Clinic, pregnancy can elevate the risk of severe COVID-19 complications, maintaining Kourtney's concerns.

The baby shower proceeded with an impressive Disneyland theme, although the virus altered the couple's experience. Kourtney and Travis attended but stayed socially distanced in a designated area, away from guests.

"You're almost like a Disney character," Travis joked, emphasizing their surreal and isolated participation. Kourtney's Instagram post, captioned "Baby shower of my dreams," expressed gratitude to her mother for orchestrating the event despite the health hurdles.

Beyond COVID-19, Kourtney faced another harrowing episode ahead of welcoming her son, Rocky Thirteen, in November. Weeks before her baby shower, Kourtney underwent emergency fetal surgery - an incident she described as terrifying.

During a routine scan, specialists identified an urgent issue requiring immediate surgery. Travis, 48, rushed back from his tour to support Kourtney, though he arrived post-surgery. "He slept at the hospital with me," Kourtney shared in her confessional.

Kourtney's procedure, punctuated by stress and timely medical intervention, left her in awe of the healthcare professionals involved. She reflected, "The timing of it was miraculous. That saved everything." Post-surgery, Kourtney faced a demanding recovery involving strict bed rest due to a hole in her amniotic sac.

Recounting the ordeal on social media and on the show, she conveyed her newfound respect for mothers enduring similar challenges. "Walking out of the hospital with my baby boy in my tummy and safe was the truest blessing," she emphasized, grateful for the unwavering support of her husband, mother, and medical team.

Follow the ongoing rollercoaster of Kourtney Kardashian's pregnancy journey on "The Kardashians", with new episodes streaming every Thursday on Hulu.

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