Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian Among Biggest Stars Impacted by 'Blockout 2024' Movement
Cover Images/JOHN NACION/Faye's Vision

An online movement is making waves by urging fans to unfollow major celebrities like Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian, highlighting the power of social media in advocating for global issues.

AceShowbiz - The Israel-Palestine conflict has long been a focal point of international concern, but now it has sparked a digital uprising against some of the world's biggest celebrities. The "Blockout 2024" movement is a growing social media campaign aimed at blocking and unfollowing celebrities who remain silent on the ongoing turmoil in Gaza.

Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian are among the leading names impacted by this campaign, which took off following the recent Met Gala. The movement criticizes celebrities for not adequately addressing or using their platforms to bring attention to the suffering and devastation in Gaza.

According to social media trackers, both celebrities have seen a decline of over 100,000 followers each on platforms like Instagram. While these figures may seem insignificant given their massive followings, the long-term impact could be more substantial, especially in terms of their earning potential from sponsored posts.

The backlash against these public figures is part of a broader critique of class disparity and celebrity worship. "Blockout 2024" advocates argue that celebrities and influencers "make millions" from their followers and that it's the followers' responsibility to hold them accountable by disengaging from their content.

Kim Kardashian has mildly addressed the situation, stating, "I sympathize with the people of Israel and with those in Palestine. All we want is for everyone to feel safe and free." However, Taylor Swift has remained notably silent, which did not sit well with many young people online.

Apart from international stars, prominent Indian celebrities like Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, and Virat Kohli have also come under fire for their silence. The movement's posts encourage users to unfollow these celebrities to reduce their profits and force them to speak up.

The movement emphasizes that this is "about applying pressure" on those with significant influence to use their platforms for social good. It questions the support of celebrities "who can't even speak out about a genocide" despite their vast reach and the support they receive from their followers.

This call to action is not just an online trend but is intended to have lasting effects. The movement urges participants to remember the real-life issues affecting thousands of families in Palestine and beyond, emphasizing the need for solidarity with victims of the conflict in Gaza.

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