'Aladdin' Live-Action Prequel, 'Genies', in the Works at Disney

'Aladdin' will get a live-action prequel which will center on the origin story of the blue-skinned Genie and how he ends up being trapped inside the lamp.

AceShowbiz - Good news comes for "Aladdin" fans. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the 1992 animated comedy will get its live-action prequel. Disney is developing the project which is currently titled "Genies".

Tripp Vinson is on board to produce "Genies" through his Vinson Films banner while Damian Shannon and Mark Swift are writing the script for the prequel. "Genies" will be an origin story of the blue-skinned Genie which was voiced by Robin Williams in the 1992 original film. The upcoming movie will reveal how Aladdin's Genie ends up being trapped inside the lamp. The project is still in early stage of development and the details are scarce. The long-term hope for the movie is to have the project lead into an "Aladdin" live-action movie.

Shannon and Swift's credits include "Freddy vs Jason", "Friday the 13th", "Baywatch" and "O'Lucky Day". As for Vinson, he previously worked on this summer hit "San Andreas" and "Bob the Musical" as well as "Prince Charming".

Ever since Burton turned "Alice in Wonderland" into a billion-dollar live-action franchise and the Angelina Jolie starrer "Maleficent" grossed big last year, it seems like live-action kids' tales become a new moneymaking trend. Disney is bringing "Beauty and the Beast (2017)" to the big screen in March 2017 with Emma Watson in the lead. Other live-action adaptations which are in the works are "The Little Mermaid" and "The Jungle Book".

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