Whoopi Goldberg's Cat Food Mishap: A Tale of Jet Lag and Late-Night Snacking
Cover Images/Darla Khazei

In a tale blending humor and an unexpected twist, Whoopi Goldberg takes us on a jet-lagged journey involving mistaken snacks and a lesson in divine comedy.

AceShowbiz - Whoopi Goldberg, the beloved co-host of "The View," recently shared a hilarious and somewhat bizarre story that left audiences amused and bewildered. Known for her affinity for snacking and surprising her co-hosts with treats during the "Hot Topics" segment, Goldberg recounted an unusual midnight snack mix-up following a jet-lagged return from her latest visit to the Vatican.

"I got home, perhaps I was a little more jet lagged than I realized. I was not high, I had nothing to drink, it's two in the morning, and there are these wonderful pretzels called Dot's pretzels that I love. You know Dot's? Sometimes when you get a bag of Dot's pretzels they're broken in half, they're about that big, and they're good. You put them in your hand!" Goldberg began, setting the stage for an epic tale that included an unexpected twist involving her daughter, Alex Martin, who also starred alongside her in "Sister Act 2."

Goldberg explained that her daughter had left some cat treats on the other side of her bed for their cat, placing the bag dangerously close to a bag of Dot's pretzels. At 2 a.m., in her jet-lagged haze, Goldberg reached for what she believed were her beloved pretzels and was met with a surprising taste.

"I pop up at 2 a.m. and I'm thinking, Where am I? What country is it? I need some Dot's. I reach over and pour some Dot's in my hand and put them in my mouth and I'm chewing, thinking, Maybe they're a little stale, you know?" she recounted, eliciting laughter from the audience.

Sunny Hostin, the show's legal expert, jumped in, curious if Goldberg thought there might be a new flavor. Goldberg dismissed that notion with a laugh, sharing that she had initially dismissed the bad taste as a minor issue. "No, I just poured some more in, because I thought maybe I had bed mouth," the 68-year-old said, referring to a made-up condition.

It wasn't until she opened her eyes and examined her snack that she realized her mistake, "And in my hand was the crabby, crab-flavored Temptations [cat treats]! Now I just came from the Vatican, and I'm eating crabby crab-flavored Temptations."

Ana Navarro, one of Goldberg's co-hosts, provided a perfect closing note by tying the story back to Goldberg's recent visit to see Pope Francis. The Pope had invited over 100 comedians from 15 nations to celebrate their role in bringing joy to the world. "That shows you God has a sense of humor," Navarro remarked. Goldberg, sensing the perfect conclusion, smiled and directed the show to a commercial break.

This amusing anecdote highlights Goldberg's unparalleled storytelling ability and her capacity to find humor in everyday mishaps, showing that even the most unexpected situations can bring a hearty laugh and a reminder of the lighter side of life.

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