Gayle King Clarifies Her 'Graphic' Details About Oprah Winfrey's Stomach Flu
Cover Images/Faye's Vision

The 'CBS Mornings' anchor takes to her Instagram to clarify that the former 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' host was not hospitalized due to a violent stomach bug despite previous reports.

AceShowbiz - Gayle King cleared up her remarks about her best friend Oprah Winfrey's health issues. On Tuesday, June 11, the "CBS Mornings" anchor took to her Instagram to clarify that Oprah was not hospitalized despite previous reports.

In a video shared on her page, Gayle was seen chatting with Oprah to let fans know that she's doing well. At one point, Gayle asked his bestie if she had offended her by sharing their conditions previously.

"No, I thought what you were trying to do is explain why I wasn't there, and doing that in a definitive way," the former "The Oprah Winfrey Show" host replied. Gayle added, "I never said you were hospitalized. I did say that you had a stomach something, it was coming out of both sides, which it was."

Oprah admitted that she was taken to the emergency room because she was so dehydrated. The OWN founder recounted, "I couldn't keep enough water down to get hydrated so I went to the emergency room for that and that's just it."

She noted that she wasn't the only one who caught the virus. "Five people in my household had the same thing. I would say keep your hands washed because I hear it's being transmitted through... the doctor told me that [the virus] lives on the doorknobs and railings for like, ten hours," she explained.

She added, "So if you come across somebody who's been in the house and they've gone down the stairs, then you went down the stairs and you didn't wash your hands you end up with it."

As to why Gayle decided to share Oprah's business on her show, she shared, "The only point I was trying to make is to show how badly you wanted to be there to promote the book 'cause you never miss those.' The point I was trying to make, America, is that it had to be something that would keep her from getting on a plane and coming. That's the only point I was trying to make."

Gayle continued, "I didn't really think that it was a big deal or that it would be something that would be upsetting to you, otherwise I never would have said it." Oprah agreed, saying, "Yeah, I know you wouldn't have done that."

In the caption, Gayle said, "She was sidelined with a stomach virus that caused such dehydration that she went to the hospital to get an IV drip."

Oprah was supposed to guest on "CBS Mornings" to promote her latest book club pick, "Familiaris" by David Wroblewski. She, however, was forced to cancel her appearance due to her sickness.

"She had some kind of stomach thing - stomach flu - stuff was coming out of both ends. I won't get too graphic," Gayle shared in the episode. "Needless to say, she ended up in the hospital, dehydration, had to get an IV, it was a very serious thing."

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