Ryan Garcia Asks for Prayers After Arrest: 'Free Ryan'

Making use of his X account, the 25-year-old professional boxer asked for prayers as he was taken to the hospital following the arrest for vandalizing Waldorf Astoria hotel.

AceShowbiz - Ryan Garcia speaks out for the first time after he was arrested for vandalism in Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon, June 8. Making use of his X account, the professional boxer asked for prayers as he was taken to the hospital following the arrest.

"I'm worried :( I have to be at this weird hospital and they are trying to give me medicine and they have me on a hold for who knows how long, they will determine. Pray for me. God help me," Ryan wrote on his account on Sunday, June 9. When asked how he's still able to tweet, he replied, "I always find a way, don't go to jail not fun."

Ryan added in another tweet, "Free Ryan," and also confirmed that he hasn't been released yet. "Prayer warriors. Please I need prayers. A lot of prayers. Prayers can move mountains. LORD JESUS SAVE ME," the 25-year-old continued.

Ryan also mentioned Donald Trump in the next tweet which read, "Kinda funny both trump and I are in jail. I don't know if he is in jail but I know he got convicted. This sucks, But I love Jesus I will be okay."

He added, "I feel like I'm Ryan Spears. Aka Britney Spears. This sucks :( I never hurt anyone. I've only ever loved everyone prayed for people. And try to make a change in this cruel world. I love you Christ Jesus Amen."

Internet users had mixed responses to Ryan's tweets. "This man probably at home tweeting like he in jail," a skeptical user said. "We are not praying for yu boy," another wrote. Someone else likened Ryan to Kanye West, saying, "he's giving kanye somebody deactivate this man twitter."

Ryan was taken into custody at the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills on Saturday, according to TMZ. The arrest came after the staff called cops, telling them that the athlete damaged property at the hotel, including his room and the hallway.

The incident reportedly caused an estimated $15,000 in damage. The hotel decided to press charges upon police's arrival, but the specific nature of the damage and the 25-year-old's behavior remains to be seen.

Following the arrest, the boxer's lawyer has broken his silence in a statement. Darin Chavez said, "[Ryan] was taken by the BHPD to a local hospital for evaluation and treatment. And to our knowledge, may be charged with public intoxication."

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