Eva Longoria Talks About Refusing to Work With Hollywood 'A**holes'

Eva Longoria's focused approach to her career underscores the importance of working with people she loves and respects, making her a role model for aspiring creatives.

AceShowbiz - Eva Longoria, the esteemed actress-filmmaker, has fundamentally changed how she approaches new projects in film and television. In recent interviews, Longoria shared her evolving creative philosophy with People magazine, highlighting her strong preference for surrounding herself with people she genuinely admires and trusts.

This novel approach involves what she calls "reverse engineering" her projects, starting with the people she wishes to collaborate with and building the project around them.

"Life's too short to work with a**holes, and I'd much rather be surrounded by people I love, and creatives that I respect," Longoria candidly stated. This sentiment becomes the cornerstone of her professional undertakings.

By prioritizing her relationships, Longoria aims to maintain a positive and fruitful working environment, which not only enhances her work satisfaction but also fosters a collaborative spirit on set.

Names such as Kerry Washington and Gabrielle Union came up in her conversation as prime examples of colleagues she cherishes working with. Longoria's upcoming projects include significant collaborations with both these actresses.

From the workplace comedy "24-7" alongside "Scandal" star Kerry Washington to an unnamed LGBTQ wedding comedy with "Being Mary Jane" actress Gabrielle Union, these ventures reveal how Longoria's philosophy manifests in reality.

Longoria's approach also includes a meticulous process in selecting her collaborators. Before signing onto any new project, she assesses who she wants to collaborate with first and then finds a project that aligns with everyone's creative vision.

"It's the people and their vision and what they bring to it more than the actual project" that matters to her. To achieve her goals, she keeps a wishlist of actors, directors, and producers she hopes to work with, such as Edgar Ramirez.

This deliberate method allows Longoria to shape projects from scratch. "If I want to work with Carmen Maura, what would be a good vehicle for that?" she pondered. It shows her dedication not only to the craft but also to the synergy among those involved, ensuring that their combined efforts result in something truly special.

Eva Longoria's thoughtful approach to her career offers invaluable lessons for young creatives. By surrounding oneself with like-minded and respectful collaborators, the work environment can become not only more productive but also significantly more enjoyable and fulfilling.

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