Cassie's Husband Issues Powerful Message After Shocking Diddy Video Went Viral
Instagram/Cover Images/Michael Simon

Alex Fine addresses men everywhere about the scourge of domestic violence, emphasizing a call to action for all individuals to stand against violence and ensure the safety and respect of women.

AceShowbiz - In the wake of a disturbing surveillance video that has recently emerged showing music mogul P. Diddy involved in a violent altercation with his then-girlfriend Cassie, her husband Alex Fine took to social media to express his outrage and issue a strict warning to "men who hit women."

The video, which dates back to a 2016 hotel incident, captures Diddy kicking and dragging Cassie - an act that has sparked renewed conversations about the prevalence of domestic abuse.

Fine's message was unequivocal: violence against women must not be tolerated. He directed a stern message to men, denouncing not only those who physically harm women but also those who enable and protect such individuals. "Men who hit women" and "men who enable it and protect those people aren't men," he stated firmly.

Emphasizing the need for men to hold each other accountable, Fine underscored the necessity of creating an environment where women feel safe and cherished. He urged men to actively defend and support the women in their lives, reinforcing the idea that respect and protection should be at the forefront of male behavior.

"As men violence against women shouldn't be inevitable, check your brothers, your friends, and your family. Our daughters, sisters, mothers, and wives should feel protected and loved. Hold the women in your life with the utmost regard. Men who hurt women hate women," Fine shared.

Alex Fine reacts to Cassie assault video

Alex Fine reacts to Cassie assault video

In a heartfelt address to survivors of domestic violence, Fine offered words of encouragement and solidarity. He acknowledged their experiences and emphasized that their stories are valid, and they are not alone.

"To all the survivors, find the men and women who help and love. To all the survivors, your stories are real, and people believe you. To all the survivors you're not alone, and there are men and women who care only for your well-being and safety. We want you to succeed and flourish," he expressed.

Fine concluded with a vision for a better future, one where women and children can live without fear and with the assurance of equality and love. "To all the women and children, I'm sorry you live in a world where you're not protected, and you don't feel equal. I want to raise my daughters in a world where they are safe and loved," he said.

Alex Fine's outspoken stance on this issue serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of confronting and combating domestic violence. His call to action encourages everyone to step up and play a role in making the world a safer place for women and children.

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