Friday Night Lights Episode 2.09 The Confession
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Friday Night Lights Episode 2.09 The Confession

Episode Premiere
Dec 7, 2007
Drama, Sport
Production Company
NBC Universal, Imagine, UMS, Film 44, 101 Network
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Dec 7, 2007
Drama, Sport
2006 - 2011
Production Co
NBC Universal, Imagine, UMS, Film 44, 101 Network
Official Site
Allison Liddi Brown
Bridget Carpenter
Main Cast
Additional Cast
  • Reverend Peter Heckmann
  • Tim Crowley
  • Pat Hazell
  • Tamara Joaline

Landry confesses to Detective Tambor, claiming that he wanted to kill Caldwell. Tambor tells Chad that Landry isn't helping himself. Claiming they're going home, Chad pulls Landry outside, telling him he loves him. Carlotta and Saracen frolick in bed when grandma knocks. Saracen covers Carlotta as grandma barges in, demanding to know if he ate her Snackwells. She doesn't notice Carlotta - the Snackwell thief!

Things are hectic at the Taylors with preparations underway for a party celebrating Gracie's christening. Julie and Tami bicker over Tami's elaborate plans. Tami insists that it is a big deal. After all, Julie is Gracie's godmother. Taylor calls Riggins to his office to do penance - working for the Athletic Program. His first job: laundering the girls varsity soccer team's uniforms.

Street hangs out with Herc, who turns him on to, a dating website. Street admires a hot photo of Isabella, when his mom delivers a baby carrot snack. Herc tells Street it's time for him to move out of his parents' house. Buddy boasts about Santiago's prowess on the football field to a Service Manager. Buddy's betting that Santiago will see game time on Friday night, but Santiago's not feeling very confident.

Chad visits Tyra to tell her that Landry confessed. Crying, Tyra wonders what will happen to Landry. Chad admits he doesn't know. Guy waits for Riggins at practice, warning him not to come crying to him when he realizes that returning to the nerd herd is a mistake. Tyra yells at Landry for confessing. He knows she doesn't understand, but he can't keep lying, and he needs to face God with a good conscience.

Taylor rips into Santiago on the practice field. Everything was going great until he rotated Santiago into first D, and now he's falling apart. Buddy protests that anyone can have a bad day, but as Santiago bungles another play, Taylor claims Santiago's problem is in his head. A lawyer tells Chad and Landry that the case could be tried as murder, or Landry could be let off with probation, depending on how they frame it. Landry insists that he killed Caldwell, pure and simple, and tunes out.

Lyla visits Street, delighted to hear that he has a date with Isabella. Julie visits Taylor at school, asking him to talk with Tami. Julie's overextended, feels like Tami is asking her to do too much, and doesn't want to disappoint. Taylor checks on Riggins, who is working a girls' gymnastics meet, and digging the action. Neither of them is happy to see Guy wandering through the gym. Riggins fails to get Guy to leave as Taylor fumes.

At home, Taylor tells Tami about his talk with Julie. If Julie is overextended, she's not the daughter Tami raised. Of course she's helping with the big family weekend, and Taylor better have made that clear to her. Landry realizes that Chad is mad, and doesn't think he can handle the consequences of his confession. Chad admits that it would break his heart and destroy Landry's mother if he went to prison. Chad reminds Landry that he and Tyra were fearful for their lives: it was self defense.

Taylor finds Riggins in the locker room before school, doing laundry. Taylor asks if Riggins' sudden work ethic has anything to do with his living situation, but Riggins denies it. Carlotta stops by work to see Saracen. Smash advises Saracen that if he wants it to last, he should set some ground rules. Landry visits Tyra to ask if she was truly in fear of her life when Caldwell attacked. Tyra insists that Landry saved her life.

Buddy drives Santiago to the game. When Buddy tells him he'll probably play, Santiago explodes from the pressure. Buddy explains that this is Santiago's one chance to rise up. If he doesn't do it tonight, he'll never do it. Julie shows Tami her dress for the christening. Tami doesn't really like the dress, and mother and daughter explode into an argument. Everything Julie does is wrong, and Tami is never nice. Tami counters that Julie has been absent since Gracie was born, and she wants her eldest daughter to grow up.

On tape, Landry confesses that he killed Caldwell in self defense. When Street's date Isabella tells him that she's into pee, spunky waitress Erin offers to rescue him. Nervous before a game against the Cougars, Santiago throws up. The first half goes terribly and the Panthers get hammered. Buddy begs Taylor to put Santiago into the game. Santiago's a street fighter, and they'll never know what he has until he gets into the ring.

After getting smashed a few times, Santiago takes down the Cougars' quarterback, causing a fumble and changing the tide of the game. Afterwards, Buddy apologizes for yelling at him, but Santiago is grateful. Erin drives Street home. They swap bad date stories, which leads to a kiss. Saracen tells Carlotta that he wants to lay down some ground rules, so she kisses him, and decides to teach him how to make mole.

Sleeping next to the ferret cage, Riggins is awakened by the barrel of Guy's shot gun. It's a joke - Guy just wants Riggins to join the party. Claiming he's going to get vodka, Riggins takes off. Erin drops Street at home in the morning, and his parents are mad since they were up all night waiting for him. Street apologizes. It will never happen again, because he's moving in with Herc.

Before the christening, Tami takes Julie to aside to explain why it's all been such a big deal. She wants her family back and today is a celebration of her two amazing daughters. Taylor finds Riggins sleeping in his truck outside the house. Without a word, he opens the garage and hands him a sleeping bag while Landry tells Tyra that the cops aren't pressing charges.