Rebecca Ferguson Compares 'Dune' to 'Star Wars' Despite Franchise Uncertainties
Warner Bros.

Despite the success of 'Dune: Part Two', which stars Zendaya and Timothee Chalamet, the future of the franchise remains uncertain as cast negotiations and production hurdles loom.

AceShowbiz - In the wake of "Dune: Part Two" 's critical and commercial triumph, Rebecca Ferguson is reveling in the vindication of her early predictions about the film's greatness. However, amidst the celebrations, uncertainties surrounding "Dune: Part Three" have emerged.

Ferguson, who portrays Lady Jessica in the franchise, recently revealed that she has no knowledge of the project's progress or her involvement. She acknowledged that none of the cast members from the second film have signed on for the third installment.

"I don't even know if he [Denis Villeneuve] has finished the script," Ferguson said. "I don't even know if I'm in it. I mean, I hope I'm in it."

The cast negotiations pose significant financial challenges for "Dune: Part Three". The salaries of key actors, including Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya Coleman and Ferguson, will need to be re-negotiated, particularly given their rising star power.

The film's effects-heavy nature further exacerbates the production costs. "Dune: Part Two" reportedly had a budget of $190 million, and the third installment is likely to require even more.

Despite the concerns, Ferguson remains optimistic about the franchise's future. She sees Dune as a cinematic universe comparable to "Star Wars", with its expansive world, complex characters, and stunning visuals.

"This is a world. It's a dangerous world, and it has different cultures and life and visions," Ferguson said. "It's just phenomenal."

While "Dune: Part Three" seems inevitable, the uncertainties raised by Ferguson suggest that significant hurdles remain before production can begin. The studio will need to balance cast salaries with production costs amidst an industry-wide trend towards belt-tightening.

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