Andy Cohen Finds John Mayer Relationship Rumors 'Demeaning'

Bravo producer Andy Cohen slams questions about his relationship with his close pal John Mayer, warning against reinforcing harmful stereotypes of gay people.

Andy Cohen is once again addressing the widespread dating rumors surrounding him and John Mayer, asserting their friendship's authentic, platonic nature. On Friday's episode of Cohen's "Daddy Diaries Podcast", the Bravo star clarified misconceptions and lauded Mayer for his recent public denouncement of these persistent rumors.

"This should now put an end to anyone asking us, 'What's the deal with you two?' " Cohen emphatically stated. He explained that the recurring inquiries about a possible romance between him and Mayer are not only offensive but also "demeaning," reinforcing harmful stereotypes.

"It is demeaning to ask a gay guy about being friends with a straight guy," Cohen remarked. "It does assume a gay guy can't be friends with a straight person without them having sex."

Cohen praised Mayer for taking a firm stand in an email to The Hollywood Reporter, which the outlet published last week. "Thank you, John, for going on the record about that," Cohen said. "I thought it was really, really cool."

The context stems from an interview with THR's co-editor-in-chief, Maer Roshan, where speculation was addressed. "People seem dubious that a straight rock star can have a close platonic relationship with a gay TV personality," Roshan suggested.

Cohen responded, "Let them speculate! I honestly love John Mayer, and he loves me. But because we're so affectionate toward each other, people don't know what box to put that in. They assume we're sleeping with each other, which we are most definitely not."

However, Mayer did not dismiss the question lightly. "I think that to suggest that people are dubious of a friendship like mine and Andy's is to undermine the public's ability to accept and understand diversity in all facets of culture, be it in art or in real life," the renowned musician wrote. "I'd like to think they're sophisticated enough to see a relationship like ours without assuming it must include a sexual component."

Mayer continued, "Quite simply, if someone is dubious of a platonic relationship between a straight man and a gay man, I don't think that shallow a view deserves clarification by anyone with self respect, be it Andy or your publication."

The duo's friendship, which has lasted for over a decade, has always been under the public eye. Rumors surged after Cohen's casual remark in a viral interview last year where he mentioned that they "love each other." Addressing these rumors head-on, both Cohen and Mayer stressed that friendships should not be confined to reductive stereotypes or require constant justification.

In a society striving to accept and embrace diversity, Mayer's and Cohen's stance offers a pivotal reminder: relationships, whether platonic or otherwise, deserve respect and understanding without preconceived biases. Their candidness shines a light on the broader conversation about friendship and respect in our evolving culture.

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