Christian Bale Trivia
  1. Was chosen as the Best Villain for the highly anticipated "Batman Begins" (2005) at the 2006 MTV Movie Awards show held on June 3rd.

  2. Is a keen environmental and social worker in various organizations, such as Greenpeace, WWF, Ark Trust, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Redwings Sanctuary and Happy Child Mission.

  3. Is an outstanding horseman and keen reader.

  4. Backed out from formal acting lesson at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) when he was twenty and chose to focus on working only to regret it later.

  5. Decided not to perform his promotional interviews for the movie "Batman Begins" (2005) in his native mixed Welsh-British accent because Batman was such an 'American icon'.

  6. His two big roles, Bateman in "American Psycho" (2000) and Batman in "Batman Begins" (2005) differ in a single letter.

  7. Was a runner for the role of Dick Grayson aka Robin in "Batman Forever" (1995) but Chris O'Donnell eventually got it.

  8. Only consumed a single vitamin from a nutritionist, ate salads and apples, chewed gum, smoked cigarettes, and drank nonfat lattes for his role in "The Machinist" (2004).

  9. Was the seventh actor to play Bruce Wayne aka Batman, the youngest and the first non-American to portray the character.

  10. Was introduced to his wife, Sibi Blazic by Winona Ryder. Blazic was Ryder's personal assistant.

  11. Had a 10 weeks course of dancing for his act in "Newsies" (1992) and martial arts for his role in "Swing Kids" (1993).

  12. Used to have a house in Manhattan Beach, which he shared with his sister, Louise Bale.

  13. Loves animals and picks two stray dogs and three stray cats that become his pets.

  14. Has an ear for accents and had changed his accents throughout his different movies.

  15. His father suffered from brain lymphoma and died at the age of 62.

  16. His stepmother, Gloria Steinem is a feminist author.

  17. His sister, Louise Bale is an award-winning theatre director and actor and also appeared in "Newsies" (1992).

  18. His grandfather was a stand-up comic and children's entertainer while his great-uncle, Rex Bale, was an actor.

  19. Was raised in England, Portugal and California.