Lie to Me Episode 3.10 Rebound
Lie to Me Photo

Lie to Me Episode 3.10 Rebound

Episode Premiere
Jan 10, 2011
Production Company
Fox TV, Imagine TV
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jan 10, 2011
2009 - 2011
Production Co
Fox TV, Imagine TV
Official Site
Main Cast

When Cal arrives at the Lightman Group office and sees Noah in the lobby, he pretends to be lost. Noah's not fooled. Lily tells Gillian that she wishes she hadn't found the cash and notebook, but George is a lobbyist, so there's probably a reasonable explanation. Cal thinks that Noah is trying to protect Lily; she denies it, saying that her son and boyfriend have grown close.

Cal goes to a park, orders a hot dog with everything on it, and watches a man slip George an envelope. After George leaves, Cal "accidentally" bumps into the man, depositing the hot dog on his overcoat. Cal insists on paying for the dry cleaning, so the man hands Cal his business card. He's a divorce attorney named Dobson.

Cal returns to the office, tells Gillian and Eli what he saw, and hands them the business card. Eli tells Cal that a woman named Paula is waiting in his office. When Lily arrives - wearing the engagement ring that George just gave her - Cal introduces her to Paula, who is George's current wife. Paula says that George is a contractor, not a lobbyist, and that they've only been married for six months.

Then Cal visits Noah at a garage where he and George have been restoring a motorcycle, which Cal thinks is George's attempt to win Noah's trust. Noah gives Cal a photo of George with a woman who isn't Paula. Using the license plate visible in the photo, Eli locates the woman, Ingrid, who comes to the office, tells Ria that she was married to George for six months before she discovered that he'd been married to four women before her.

Cal and Gillian note that each of these women were on the rebound from a previous marriage. Hearing-impaired intern Sarah tells them that the code in the notebook was written in shorthand; Dobson is one of the names listed, while the others are the ex-husbands of George's many wives.

Cal then meets with Dobson, says that one of those ex-husbands recommended him, and hands him an envelope. Soon afterward, George is meeting Gillian at a tennis court, offering to buy her dinner if she wins.

Later, at that dinner, George and Gillian each claim to be recently divorced, with Gillian saying that Cal is her ex-husband. This is all being videotaped as Cal, Ria, and Eli are watching with discomfort and amusement, noting that George shows no signs of lying. When Gillian reviews the tape, she says only a sociopath could lie so well.

Cal visits George, who says that he simply mirrored Gillian's pain, that she'll be happy, and that Cal will get out from under her yoke, so it's win-win. When George admits he'll take 50 percent of what Cal's alimony payments would've been and asks if they have a deal, Cal introduces him to Detective Wallowski.

They put George in the cube, and he offers to make any deal they want. When Dobson interrupts the interrogation, Eli gives him a copy of George's handwritten transactions, and Cal reveals that Lily, Paula, and Ingrid have been watching the whole time. George and Dobson leave.

Wallowski visits Cal at home and says that the D.A. doesn't want to prosecute because the chief of police's name is on that list. While Cal vows to continue, the detective gets a call that George's garage went up in flames with him inside. Cal and Wallowski head to the garage and see a charred body.

Back at the office, all the ex-wives describe George differently and all express hate for Dobson. But Lily expresses sorrow because of Noah being hurt. Then Ria shows videotapes of Lily meeting Noah after this visit and Noah turning away from her. Cal wants to re-question them.

While Noah tells Cal that he's not a killer, Ria explains to Lily that Noah's body language shows mistrust and revulsion. Eli notes that on the videotape of the ex-wives watching George's interrogation, only Lily shows intent. Lily then displays guilt and regret - and demands to see Noah, who claims to have killed George.

Cal puts Noah and Lily in the cube and asks why Noah is confessing to a murder that Lily says she didn't commit. Wallowski interrupts: the body in the garage was Dobson's.

Cal and Wallowski locate George and put him in the cube. George denies everything. Cal brings in Lily, Paula, and Ingrid - they all say they saw George leaving the burning garage. George says that they're lying and he acted in self-defense. Cal says if George tries that in court, he'll be playing the wronged wife in prison.

Gillian explains to Noah that George became whomever he needed to be. Cal gives Noah a snapshot that George took of Noah on that motorcycle, saying it shows the real affection that George felt for him.

After Gillian and Cal exchange affectionate barbs about her description of being married to him, Cal returns home, as does Emily. Cal asks how her mom liked the gift, a New Guinea fertility gourd. Emily shrugs, saying that her mom has a new boyfriend, who's not a workaholic who claims to know what she's thinking and always mocks authority. Cal advises Emily not to grow up too fast, and they head for the kitchen, passing a photo of Cal holding baby Emily on his lap.