The Night Shift Episode 2.10 Aftermath
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The Night Shift Episode 2.10 Aftermath

Episode Premiere
Apr 20, 2015
Drama, Medical
Production Company
Sony Pictures Television
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Apr 20, 2015
Drama, Medical
2014 - 2017
Production Co
Sony Pictures Television
Official Site
Allison Liddi-Brown
Tawnya Bhattacharya, Ali Laventhol
Main Cast
Additional Cast
  • Luke McFarlane
  • Merle Dandridge

The shift starts with TC riding in on his hog, which he bought back from his bookie. Jordan is livid, even more so after she and Krista witness a motorcycle accident on the way to a medical conference. She doesn't want to change him, but while the Harley is his prized possession, she's terrified something will happen to him. And with her pregnancy hormones, "mama lion" can't take any more stress.

Unfortunately, she can't catch a break, as she and Krista come across a gravely injured motorcyclist in the middle of nowhere, Texas. They rush him to the nearest medical facility, which happens to be a veterinary clinic and, with the help of a very squeamish vet tech, stabilize the young man long enough for Gwen's paramedic team to transport him to San Antonio Memorial and save his life.

Meanwhile, TC and Paul take on an overweight teenage girl named Kaylee, who is suffering from knee pain. At first they just assume her tendonitis is acting up from the excess weight, but after she starts seizing, they realize it's something much worse. Kaylee is constantly hungry - starving, even - and can't stop eating. Her mom Marla is devastated. She's put Kaylee on every diet in the book, but a few years ago, she started gaining weight at a rapid pace. After running some tests, TC discovers Kaylee has a benign brain tumor in the part of the brain that controls hunger. The doctors operate to remove the tumor and hopefully stop her insatiable appetite, but even though the procedure is successful, the underlying tissue is damaged. This means Kaylee will continue to gain weight and likely eat herself to death... unless she has gastric bypass surgery. Unfortunately, there's a two-month waiting list and she needs it ASAP. But TC has a plan. Word around the hospital is that the gastric bypass surgeon likes to get lap dances from his assistant after hours, so TC threatens to out him if he doesn’t put Kaylee at the top of the list. Needless to say, TC's blackmail scheme works, and Kaylee gets the operation - and another chance at life.

Across the hospital, Topher's neighbor Brent is rolled in after losing control of a power saw and slicing up his arm. Brent's a tough Army guy and refuses to admit he's in pain, let alone that he's having chronic headaches and has been fighting the flu for a few weeks. When his temperature starts to spike, Topher orders a spinal tap and learns Brent has meningitis. He gives him antibiotics, but they aren't working - his temperature keeps climbing and now he can't feel his legs. His fiancée Simone races over and convinces Brent to be totally honest. He's not a roving instructor like he told Topher; he's Special Ops and started getting sick when he got back from overseas. Brent admits that right before he left, an explosion killed his whole unit except for him. He walked away with shrapnel in his chest, but that's it. Topher orders an MRI and X-rays and learns a piece of his Army buddy's bone got embedded in his chest during the explosion. This piece of bio-shrapnel caused his infection, and he needs a blood transfusion. Simone immediately volunteers to give her blood, but when Topher tests it, he learns she has HIV. Not only that, but Brent does, too. Topher explains to Simone that going to war is horrible and men make mistakes, but she stops him - she was the one who cheated. Brent was gone for months and she made a mistake that is going to ruin both her and Brent's lives.

While Topher feels terrible about having to deliver such bad news, Ragosa gives him some good news: his medical visa came through! Topher is headed to Dubai to perform a life-saving operation on his Army friend Ali.

But the biggest story of the night has to be superhero Drew, who's become a media sensation for his heroic takedown of the Army ceremony gunman. Drew hates his newfound fame and just wants everyone to leave him alone... especially after the news runs a photo of him and Rick, outing them both. Drew tries calling Rick to tell him he had nothing to do with leaking the photo, but it goes straight to voicemail. That's because Rick was on a plane to San Antonio... to reconcile with Drew! He pulls him aside and tells him how sorry he was for ending things, and after a lot of thinking - and coming out to his family - he wants nothing more than to get back together with Drew. But this time around, he doesn't want to hide their love - he wants them to be out and proud. Drew is skeptical, as he's such a private person, and doesn't want to be known as the gay doctor, but after thinking it over, he realizes he can't live without Drew. He's also done hiding, and finally agrees to a long-awaited interview with the press... with Rick by his side.