The Lying Game Episode 1.11 O Twin, Where Art Thou?
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The Lying Game Episode 1.11 O Twin, Where Art Thou?

Episode Premiere
Jan 2, 2012
Production Company
Alloy Entertainment, Warner Horizon Television
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jan 2, 2012
2011 - 2013
Production Co
Alloy Entertainment, Warner Horizon Television
ABC Family
Official Site
Fred Gerber
Charles Pratt, Jr.
Main Cast
Additional Cast

Picking up right where the fall finale left us, Kristin and Emma are outside the party where they discover Char's aunt Annie Sewell. Only now, she's going by her middle name--Rebecca. Not everyone is happy to see Rebecca though. Ted and Alec seem a little spooked by her return, but Rebecca assures them that she doesn't want any trouble. Phyllis, Char's mom, throws a bit of a fit at the sight of her sister and storms off in a drunken rage. Char and Mads leave to follow her, but Phyllis gets a DUI.

Meanwhile, Emma and Ethan speculate about Sutton's whereabouts. Thayer defends Sutton and has his own theory... one that incriminates Ethan. When they return home, the Mercers discover the car Sutton took is gone and call the police.

Later, Alec and Rebecca chat about Phyllis' trouble with the law. Alec tells her that Phyllis could be in big trouble, and Rebecca suggests to him that her sister be sent to court-ordered rehab. Alec agrees and then makes a call to a familiar doctor about "Annie," but this time, it's NOT Annie Hobbs.

After school, Emma and Ethan arrive at a crime scene by a lake. They've discovered the car Sutton was driving. Inside, they find her purse and phone, but no Sutton. Dan Whitehorse accuses Emma of taking the car, so Ethan takes the blame. Dan takes them down to the police station, but Alec angrily defends them and has them released to their guardians.

Emma and Ethan lure Thayer to Sutton's house under mysterious circumstances to confront him about his accusations. When he arrives, they hear Kristin coming, so the boys hide. Kristin found a gift outside and assumes it's for the birthday girl. Emma opens it, to find a scrap of Sutton's dress. With a note that reads: "Keep on being Sutton... or you're