ER Episode 12.20 There Are No Angels Here
ER Photo

ER Episode 12.20 There Are No Angels Here

Episode Premiere
May 4, 2006
Production Company
Constant c, Amblin, Warner Bros. TV
Official Site
Episode Premiere
May 4, 2006
1994 - 2009
Production Co
Constant c, Amblin, Warner Bros. TV
Official Site
Christopher Chulack
R. Scott Gemmill, David Zabel
Main Cast
Additional Cast
  • Busi Lurayi
  • Wandile Molebatsi
  • Tinah Mnumzana
  • Quanita Adams
  • Thomas Karjuki
  • Randy Shabalala
  • Tshemano Sebe
  • Dumisane Siswe Mbebe
  • Bongo Mbutuma

Pratt was adjusting to his new life in Darfur. He accompanied Dakarai to a young mother whose infant was having health problems. As Pratt was checking out the baby, Dakarai collapsed and was throwing up blood. He tried to dismiss it as a stomach virus, but Pratt knew it was more serious than that.

Atunde was brought in to the campsite with a gunshot wound. He told Carter and Pratt that he went to help get a family some water and the Janjaweed found him and shot him. Carter explained to Pratt that Atunde was a leader to many in Darfur. Carter also had to tell Atunde that he was going to have to go to a hospital to treat his wounds.

Officers came to the site and demanded to take Atunde with them. Pratt didn't understand why it was so necessary to take Atunde for a statement while he was still being treated for his wounds. When Pratt tried to interfere, he got butted with a gun. Dakarai treated his head wound while the officials took away Atunde.

Dakarai was still having problems with his virus. Debbie was not only worried about him but she was angry with him. He refused to have a procedure that would treat his condition because he worried about who would take care of his patients. Debbie asked him who would take of his patients when he was dead from the virus.

Atunde's wife came into the camp looking for Atunde. When Carter told her that her husband had been taken away by the police, she told Carter she was in labor. Carter, Debbie, Dakarai and Pratt moved the woman to a campsite away from the hospital, fearing that the police would be searching for her, too. When the police came by to look for her, Debbie hid her under a table where she couldn't be seen.

Carter had to perform a C-section on Atunde's wife. After delivering a healthy girl, she began to bleed out. Pratt told Carter they'd have to perform a hysterectomy to save her life; they tied her tubes until they could get to the nearest hospital. Debbie and Carter drove to the police station to try to get Atunde out of jail. Their plan worked; they were able to get Atunde and return to the campsite to treat his wounds.

Pratt and Dakarai were escorting Atunde's wife back to the campsite when they came across the Janjaweed. Instead of stopping, Pratt drove through while the Janjaweed fired shots at them. Pratt had to come to a stop and check his overheated engine. A Janjaweed solider caught up to them, there was a struggle, and Pratt ended up shooting him with his own gun. Pratt was determined to help save the soldier's life.

When their car still refused to start, Pratt strapped Sittina to a gurney and carried her across the desert to the hospital for her treatment. A passerby offered to drive them and Pratt accepted the ride. They arrived at the hospital where Sittina was able to get the care she needed.

Pratt returned to the broken-down jeep to get Dakarai. When he arrived, all that was left was the jeep, burned up, and no sign of Dakarai. A charm from Dakarai's necklace was left behind. Pratt told the driver to return to the campsite to find Carter.

Carter was able to give Atunde the chance to hold his little girl. Debbie and Carter had to break the news that they didn't know what condition his wife was in at the nearby hospital. Atunde was just concerned about finding her and returning home to his village with their little girl. Pratt came by to tell Atunde that his wife would be just fine and she was a nearby hospital; he also had to break the news to Debbie that the Janjaweed had already gotten to Dakarai.

Dakarai surprised everybody by showing up at the campsite. Everybody had feared that he'd died at the hands of the Janjaweed. He told Pratt that he had watched them burn the jeep, but had been hidden during the time. He had also agreed to start taking the treatment for his stomach virus. Debbie rode with him to the hospital. Pratt had finally shared with Carter that he was happy he came to Africa to help.