September 1925 to New Year's Day 1926: Carson fumbles serving dinner when his hand begins to shake, and reveals to Mrs Hughes that he suffers from a hereditary disease called 'the palsy' (now known as Parkinson's disease). Thomas secures a job with an elderly couple with a staff of only three, though he hates it. Edith offers to expand Spratt's magazine column to a whole page; Denker discovers Spratt's secret, and tries to get him dismissed by revealing it to the Dowager Countess, but she turns the tables by reading and enjoying the column, and keeps him on.
The Headmaster offers Molesley a teaching position, plus a cottage, so he leaves service; upon parting, he and Baxter finally express their romantic affection for one another. Lord Merton tells Isobel he suffers from pernicious anaemia and still wants to marry her. Sensing his impending death, and her own loss of control to Isobel Crawley, Lord Merton's cruel daughter-in-law, Amelia, prevents Isobel from seeing him. An indignant Violet intervenes, and she and Isobel take him to Isobel's home, where Isobel agrees to marry him. Andy wants Daisy as his girlfriend; she is not interested, but gradually grows to like him while spending time at her father-in-law's farm. She eventually agrees to live at the farm.
Robert is persuaded to watch Cora in action presiding over a hospital meeting. Later, he tells her how proud he is of her efforts, and they reaffirm their love for each other. Mary arranges for Edith to meet Bertie, who proposes, and she accepts. Together they defy his moralistic mother and reveal the truth about Marigold, winning over Mrs Pelham. Henry and Tom go into business together selling cars. Dr Clarkson diagnosises Lord Merton as having only a mild form of anaemia.
Everyone gathers for Edith and Bertie's wedding on New Year's Eve. Anna suddenly goes into labour in Mary's bedroom and gives birth to a son. Carson realizes his illness will ultimately prevent him from performing his duties, and tenders his resignation; Robert reluctantly accepts, and suggests that Thomas return as Butler and Carson retire with a pension while retaining an oversight role, which pleases all three. Violet accepts that Cora has taken over her prime position within the family, and they reconcile.