The final season of Netflix's series brings the bond between Victor and Ben Hargreeves to a dramatic climax, as Victor saves his brother from the consequences of his out-of-control power.
- Aug 10, 2024
AceShowbiz - In season 2, Victor was haunted by Ben's ghost after a devastating CIA experiment. Now, in season 4, the tables are turned, and Victor must save Ben from a similar fate.
Ben, who returned to life in season 3 as a distant and mean-spirited version from the Sparrow Academy, struggles to connect with his family. Feeling neglected, he ventures off on his own, where his tentacle powers begin to metastasize dangerously.
Victor, having experienced the same power struggles, recognizes Ben's plight. He confronts his brother and helps him control his abilities, preventing an apocalyptic scenario. This act of compassion completes a full circle for their sibling bond.
Actor Elliot Page (who plays Victor) praises the emotional intensity of working with Justin H. Min (Ben) throughout the final season. He highlights the importance of emotional connections in a show filled with spectacle and emphasizes the special bond between Ben and Victor.
Showrunner Steve Blackman sought to shake up the show's dynamics by pairing siblings together in new and meaningful ways. The last season allowed for more time for Ben and Victor to interact, showcasing their evolving relationships.
Viktor's Journey: Page also reflects on Viktor's personal growth, mirroring his own transition in real life. In season 4, Viktor confronts his father figure, Reginald, and calls him out on his past actions. Page expresses gratitude for the storylines that have allowed him to explore such complex themes as identity and acceptance.
All four seasons of "The Umbrella Academy" are now streaming on Netflix.