Rally for Justice Held in Memory of Slain Actor Johnny Wactor
/Steven Jones

A march and rally take place in downtown Los Angeles to demand justice for the former 'General Hospital' actor, who was killed while confronting catalytic converter thieves.

AceShowbiz - On Wednesday, June 12, dozens of people gathered in downtown Los Angeles to commemorate the life of "General Hospital" actor Johnny Wactor, who was fatally shot on May 25 after confronting three men attempting to steal his catalytic converter.

Before the march, family and friends held a press conference, expressing their grief and demanding action. They highlighted the lack of lighting on the street where the incident occurred, calling for improved safety measures.

The event was also attended by local politicians, including City Councilman Kevin de Leon, who pledged to support the investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The march began near the intersection of Hope and Pico, where Wactor was killed, and proceeded to Los Angeles City Hall. Demonstrators held signs and chanted slogans, calling for an end to violence and increased resources for crime prevention.

Joseph Iniguez, the district attorney's chief deputy, informed the crowd that the major crimes division and Central Bureau homicide detectives were actively working on the case. While no arrests had been made, Iniguez stated that they had several leads.

Johnny Wactor's brother, Grant, addressed the gathering, urging officials to act swiftly and provide more resources to the Los Angeles Police Department.

Micah Parker, a fellow actor, called for Los Angeles politicians to take a tougher stance on crime and demanded that Mayor Karen Bass commit more resources to preventing crime.

Nathan Hochman, a candidate for District Attorney, promised to hold criminals accountable and target the entire chain of buyers fueling catalytic converter theft.

The march concluded at City Hall, where the Council adjourned its meeting in honor of Wactor. The Council also committed to providing full support and resources to the LAPD in the investigation and potentially issuing a reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspects.

Wactor's death has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and the Los Angeles community. Friends and family described him as a kind and generous soul, dedicated to his craft. His legacy will live on through his work on "General Hospital" and the impact he made on those who knew him.

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