Sierra Gates Details Tattoo Nightmare With Cellulitis Infection After 12-Hour Session

The 'Love and Hip Hop Atlanta' star, who is a tattoo enthusiast, shares in a new interview her harrowing experience after a tattoo session led to a severe case of cellulitis.

AceShowbiz - Sierra Gates, known for her appearances on "Love & Hip Hop Atlanta", recently revealed a severe health scare following a tattoo session. Gates, a tattoo enthusiast, has adorned her body with numerous tattoos since the age of 16.

However, a particularly extensive tattoo in April, spanning from her stomach down her right leg, proved problematic. The 12-hour tattoo session, eased with numbing cream, initially seemed manageable. However, the next day, Gates experienced excruciating pain.

"On fire. Like literally on fire. It was burning so bad I felt like I seen flames around my leg," she described.

Brittany Gould, a nurse, later diagnosed Gates with cellulitis, a serious bacterial infection affecting her right leg. The infection had developed beyond the superficial stage and posed a risk of complications like sepsis.

Cellulitis is commonly caused by injuries that allow bacteria to enter the skin. It is more prevalent in individuals with weakened immune systems or skin conditions. Untreated cellulitis can lead to bacteremia, toxic shock syndrome, and even necrotizing fasciitis, an extreme emergency.

After nine days in the hospital on antibiotics and pain medication, Gates recovered enough to be discharged. Her leg remains in the healing process.

Gates' experience serves as a cautionary tale for tattoo enthusiasts. She advises, "Take your time. Do it in smaller sections. Don't just be like a tattoo junkie just because you don't feel anything."

Gates also emphasizes the importance of washing wounds with soap and water, covering them with bandages, and seeking medical attention if needed. The FDA recommends contacting the tattoo artist if an infection is suspected to prevent the use of contaminated ink.

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