Lily Allen Reveals Her and David Harbour's Unique Approach to Combat Smartphone Addiction
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The British singer admits she and her actor husband control what apps they can each have on their phones to limit their social media usage and improve their well-being.

AceShowbiz - Lily Allen, the British singer, has revealed an unorthodox approach to managing her smartphone usage. In an interview with The Sunday Times, Allen shared that she and her husband, "Stranger Things" actor David Harbour, control what apps they can each have on their phones.

Allen has switched to using a "Pinwheel" phone, intended for children, which lacks browsing capabilities and social media access. However, it still allows for the use of ride-sharing and music streaming services. Allen's husband, Harbour, acts as the "caregiver" for her phone, controlling the apps accessible to her. Allen also manages Harbour's phone in the same way.

Allen believes that smartphones have had a detrimental impact on her creativity and on society as a whole. She described them as "evil" and "horrendous." She claims to have taken away her daughters' smartphones after reading that children shouldn't have access to them until they are 14 years old.

Despite her concerns about smartphones, Allen previously stated her desire to be buried with her own device to preserve her private search history.

In addition to limiting social media exposure, Allen has also focused on improving her mental health through therapy and self-help strategies. She encourages others to ask for help when needed, as it has significantly improved her life.

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