George Lucas Defends Marvel Movies Against Martin Scorsese's Controversial Criticism

The legendary mind behind 'Star Wars' and 'Indiana Jones' offers his perspective on whether superhero movies are 'cinema' following fellow filmmaker Martin Scorsese's bold criticism.

AceShowbiz - Since 2019, when Martin Scorsese declared that superhero films are not "cinema," the film community has been deeply divided. Many within Hollywood have either defended Scorsese or countered his claims, setting off a cultural debate that has persisted for years.

In an interview at Cannes this week, George Lucas, the iconic creator of both the "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones" franchises which are now owned by Disney, the same studio behind the giant MCU, shared his thoughts on the issue. When asked to comment on Scorsese's stance on superhero fare, Lucas remained diplomatic yet slightly critical.

"Look. Cinema is the art of a moving image," he said. "So if the image moves, then it's cinema. I think Marty has kind of changed his mind a little bit."

Lucas went on to discuss his own contributions to the film industry, specifically his pioneering work in digital cinema. He pointed out that many directors, Scorsese included, were initially opposed to his revolutionary methods.

Lucas then criticized the lack of originality in modern Hollywood, "The stories they're telling are just old movies. 'Let's do a sequel, let's do another version of this movie.' There's no original thinking. The big studios, they don't have an imagination."

For those wondering if Lucas might return to filmmaking to address these issues, his answer was clear. "No, I'm retired," he confirmed. "The last one I did as a producer was a thing called Strange Magic, which is an animated film. So I was doing movies that I wanted to do rather than... I was financing myself and had my own studio. I am building a museum in Los Angeles. It's keeping me very busy."

It's always fascinating to hear from George Lucas, especially on topics as charged as the state of modern cinema. While it's unclear whether Lucas is a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, his appreciation for technical advancements in film is unquestionable. As the debate around the artistic value of superhero movies continues, perspectives from industry titans like Lucas provide a nuanced and thought-provoking dimension to the conversation.

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