Scrubs Episode 9.07 Our White Coats
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Scrubs Episode 9.07 Our White Coats

Episode Premiere
Jan 5, 2010
Drama, Comedy
Production Company
Doozer, Towers Prod., ABC, Touchstone Television
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jan 5, 2010
Drama, Comedy
2001 - 2010
Production Co
Doozer, Towers Prod., ABC, Touchstone Television
Official Site
John Putch
Andy Schwartz
Main Cast
Additional Cast

The annual White Coat Ceremony is coming up at Sacred Heart. It's that magical time in a med student's life when he or she first receives a white lab coat. Dr. Cox will be conducting pre-ceremony interviews as the faculty must decide who will be the keynote speaker. Cole thinks Drew is the man to beat. It'll be a battle of "smarts versus nepotism" for the honor.

Drew mentions to Denise that she may want to dress up to look nice once in awhile. As we all know, that's just not her style. But when Drew blows off her invitation to come over and watch one of those survival shows so they can root for the guy to die, Denise thinks there may be a problem with their relationship. Elliot suggests that maybe she should throw on something sexy every now and then to show him that she cares.

Turk's very first appendectomy patient is back in the hospital for cleanup on some scar tissue that has formed around the original incision site. When the patient's surgery is delayed because of a pre-op issue, Drew correctly diagnoses the problem. This ticks off Cole, as Drew is now the frontrunner for the keynote speaker gig. There's only one thing that can change that: a scandal.

Cole digs up video footage of Drew from when he flamed out of med school 10 years ago and posts it on the Internet. The video shows a younger, bitter Drew tackling the keynote speaker at, you guessed it, a White Coat Ceremony. Apparently, Drew was a scheming, arrogant know-it-all back then. He worries that he's becoming that same ugly person again. So when Dr. Kelso tells Drew that he actually WILL be the keynote speaker this time around, our favorite 30-year-old intern turns him down flat.

During Lucy's interview, Dr. Cox asks her why she wants to be a doctor. That's a tough one and Lucy doesn't have a good answer. Dr. Cox says that she'd better come up with a reason or he'll make it his personal mission to drum her out of med school. After a series of clichéd responses, Cox gives Lucy one more chance to get it right. Think she will?

Drew is feeling the aftershocks of that embarrassing viral video. Everyone seems to be mocking him. Everyone except Turk, who invites him to scrub in on a surgery. Turk says that the reason his first appendix patient is under his knife again is because he screwed up the scar closure nine years ago. He made a mistake. Now he knows better. And because of that, he doesn't have to beat himself up over something that happened such a long time ago. Drew gets the message.

Lucy can't decide on a reason why she wants to be a doctor. The truth is that there are just so many reasons. And that's her answer. There are a million reasons she wants to be a doctor. Dr. Cox buys it. Looks like Lucy will be getting that white lab coat after all.

And Drew will finally be able to accept the honor of being keynote speaker. He pauses in the middle of his speech when Denise enters the room. She's decked out in a beautiful, sexy dress. Drew smiles and wraps things up with his own answer to Dr. Cox's question. He says, "Why do I want to be a doctor? Well, because doctors give people second chances. And we all deserve a second chance." Well said, Dr. Suffin. Well said.