Parenthood Episode 6.02 Happy Birthday, Zeek
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Parenthood Episode 6.02 Happy Birthday, Zeek

Episode Premiere
Oct 2, 2014
Production Company
Imagine Entertainment, Universal Media Studios
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Oct 2, 2014
2010 - 2015
Production Co
Imagine Entertainment, Universal Media Studios
Official Site
Lawrence Trilling
Sarah Watson
Main Cast

Amber has just laid herself bare, announcing she's pregnant. Sarah is gobsmacked and asking all the wrong questions. Remembering how she totally alienated Amber over wedding plans, she keeps quiet when Amber says she plans to keep the baby because "it seems right." Later, Sarah tells Hank that she just froze. The truth is, Sarah's feelings don't matter; Amber needs her. She returns to Amber's, eager to hear more about what Amber and Ryan have planned. Amber admits she hasn't told Ryan - she just started telling her family! She's not sure what she wants his involvement to be quite yet... and is Sarah saying she doesn't think Amber should have the baby? Sarah's not, but she knows Amber has no idea how difficult single motherhood can be.

Julia is lying next to Chris when Joel calls to talk about an email from Sydney's teacher. There's some girl drama going on at school. Sydney claims a new girl has been picking on her, but the truth comes out during a meeting with Sydney's teacher: Sydney has been bullying Melody, not the other way around. Has something been going on at home? Julia remains stoic, but Joel admits their separation may be at the bottom of it. Julia speeds out of the classroom with a full head of steam, as Joel hustles after her, wanting to talk about their separation. Julia admits bullying is not like Sydney, but moving out and giving up on their marriage is not like Joel. He refused to talk to her for a year, so now he can't pretend like he didn't destroy their family. Julia's going to be okay - but what about the kids? Meanwhile, Zeek and Camille are at his doctor's. After two years of working with diet and medication, it's time for open-heart surgery, Zeek's last option. When Zeek tries to pass off his Vegas collapse as no big deal, the doctor assures him it will happen again, and the next time it could well be fatal.

Kristina is just making breakfast when a student's mom calls. Max announces that he's not taking any of the available art electives as Kristina promises to address the student's special dietary needs, then asks Adam to call the vendor and take care of it. But Adam doesn't have time, leaving Kristina to deal with the food vendor alone. At work, Adam is all charged up after a call from Camille. He has to leave right now to talk Zeek into the surgery! Claiming the family always treats him like a baby and never tells him anything, Crosby insists on going with, promising to toe the surgical line. That's when Kristina calls in a panic - the food vendor walked off the job! Adam needs to rush to Whole Foods to pick up lunches for the students; can't Crosby stand in for him with Zeek? Crosby jumps at the chance to prove himself, but quickly caves when confronted by Zeek's wall of rationalization. It's elective surgery, and Zeek has elected not to have it.

That night, Kristina despairs. She can't find a food vendor to accommodate her students' wide-ranging needs, and she's failing on all fronts. That's when Adam has a stroke of genius. If Kristina will make a list of all the food they need for the week, he'll pick it up at Costco, then prepare lunch with the students and presto - they have a new elective, Culinary Arts! It's pure chaos in the school kitchen, but when one of the kids' moms calls with a glowing report, Adam and Kristina know they're onto something. Across town, Joel and Julia sit down with Sydney, who denies bullying and calls her teacher a liar. Getting upset, Sydney insists she's not upset, tells her parents she hates both of them, and stomps off to her bedroom.

The entire Braverman clan gathers at Adam and Kristina's for Zeek's birthday party. Crosby is the first one in the door, and Adam thanks him talking Zeek into the surgery. The argument starts two seconds later when Adam realizes Crosby hasn't handled anything. He's just yelling that Zeek is afraid of the surgery when Zeek and Camille walk in. Everyone starts pussyfooting, and Julia's gifts of a Fitbit and gluten-free cake go over like lead balloons. Adam corners Zeek in the kitchen to accuse him of not taking the surgery seriously. Sure there are risks, but if he doesn't have the surgery, Zeek could die. What's Adam going to do then? Taking a breather, Zeek finds Amber crying on the front porch. When she sobs that she's pregnant, he couldn't be more delighted - she's given him the best birthday gift ever. He's going to be a great granddad! Zeek and Amber rejoin the party just in time to hear the special birthday song Crosby recorded with all the kids. The Bravermans all start dancing, and the party effectively turns around. But when Jabbar explains Crosby promised to hire a real band for Zeek's 80th birthday song, Zeek turns a corner in his mind.

After the party, Sarah stops by the loft with Amber's baby book. She realized she forgot to tell Amber all the good things about motherhood. They're both scared, but they'll be okay, because they're in this pregnancy together. Julia calls Joel to talk about Sydney; neither of them know what to do, so they just hang out together on the phone. Camille finds Zeek solemnly contemplating a piece of real cake, trying to enjoy the last moments of his birthday. He divulges the news that Amber's pregnant... and yes, he's going to have the surgery.