Marvel's Iron Fist Episode 1.13 Dragon Plays with Fire
Marvel's Iron Fist Photo

Marvel's Iron Fist Episode 1.13 Dragon Plays with Fire

Episode Premiere
Mar 17, 2017
Drama, Action
Production Company
Marvel Television, ABC Studios
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Mar 17, 2017
Drama, Action
2017 - 2018
Production Co
Marvel Television, ABC Studios
Official Site
Stephen Surjik
Scott Buck, Tamara Becher-Wilkinson, Pat Charles
Main Cast
Additional Cast

In a desperate search to clear his name, Danny learns a terrible truth that places him on a new path.

Harold enters Rand Enterprises and takes control of it. Rand and Wing go to Bakuto's facility, which is abandoned by the Hand. However, they find Gao, who reveals that Harold was the mastermind of the plane crash fifteen years prior. Ward tells Joy about Harold's actions. She confronts the latter, who denies framing Rand. She leaves for an unknown destination. Ward allies with Rand's team to defeat Harold. The former enters Rand Enterprises, but is spotted by Harold, who wounds him. Temple creates a distraction for Rand and Wing to infiltrate the building. Harold instructs his men to shoot Rand, since the Iron Fist is not bulletproof after all.

Rand and Wing manage to overpower Harold's operatives. While Ward acquires evidence of Rand's innocence, the latter follows Harold to the rooftop, where they fight until Ward arrives and shoots Harold, who falls to his death. Ward has the body cremated. Rand convinces Wing to accompany him to K'un-Lun.

In a meeting with Joy, Davos tells her that Rand must be killed, overheard by Gao. Rand and Wing arrive at the gate, but find it destroyed and surrounded bodies of Hand members, and K'un-Lun missing.