Lincoln Heights Episode 4.04 Time to Let Go
Lincoln Heights Photo

Lincoln Heights Episode 4.04 Time to Let Go

Episode Premiere
Oct 5, 2009
Drama, Family
Production Company
ABC Family
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Oct 5, 2009
Drama, Family
2007 - 2009
Production Co
ABC Family
ABC Family
Official Site
Main Cast
  • Russell Hornsby as Eddie Sutton
  • Nicki Micheaux as Jenn Sutton
  • Erica Hubbard
  • Rhyon Nicole Brown
  • Mishon Ratliff
  • Robert Adamson
  • Michael Reilly Burke

The Suttons awake to a new day and a whole lot of cash. But their windfall is cut short when Eddie does the right thing and turns the "mytery money" over to the police. All hope is not lost, however, because if the rightfl owner doesn't claim the money in 30 days, the Suttons get to keep it. Until then, they've got to sit and wait. Well, everybody except Tay, who borrows a credit card from Malik and buys a ton of stuff online, thinking he'll pay back the money when he gets his share of the loot. Meanwhile, Charles feels good about having given back the money -- until Cassie tells him what her dad did with it. He can't say anything, of course, but he secretly worries that it's lost forever. However, Charles has bigger things to think about. After finding a long-lost letter from his real father, he decides to call him. His dad is a high-powered defense attorney in Santa Barbara named Wesley Benjamin... and he can't wait to meet Charles. Cassie goes against Eddie and Jenn's wishes and takes off for Santa Barbara with Charle. His dad, stepmom, and half brother all seem really cool. The day is a huge success. The night is pretty awesome too, as Charles and Cassie get to share some romantic time alone. But the morning is a different story. Charles tells Cassie he's staying in Santa Barbara to get to know his dad better. Cassie understands but, as she boards the bus back to Lincoln Heights alone, she has to wonder how long Charles will be away -- and what it will mean for their relationship. Closer to home, Lizzie volunteers at the Lincoln Heights Outreach Program and connects with a shy little boy. When his teddy bear is torn, she promises to fix it. But as she's carrying it home, a man tries to steal it. Lizzie puts up a fight, and the bear's torn apart. Then, from out of nowhere, a man in a hooded sweatshirt comes to her rescue. The teddy-snatcher runs off, with the Good Samaritan chasing him. Lizzie's left standing over the shredded teddy and the contents of its stomach: dozens of packets of drugs. How did the drugs end up in the boy's bear? And who's the hero in the hoodie? Is it the same guy who's been stealing food from grocery stores and giving it to the poor? Could Lincoln Heights have its very own "Robin Hoodie"? Meanwhile, Eddie and Jenn find out about Tay's shopping spree and tell him to return everything. ASAP. Eddie finds out something else too. A police forensics specialist tells him that the money is very ld and carries traces of red dust. Later, Eddie finds the same red dust in his attic, He puts two and two together and realizes that Charles was the one who took the money, then dropped it off on his porch. If Eddie can prove it, he's determined to arrest Charles for stealing. Santa Barbara is already far away, but what would happen to Charles and Cassie's relationship if he went to jail? And will Eddie risk losing his daughter to bring Charles to justice?