Harper's Island Episode 1.11 Splash
Harper's Island Photo

Harper's Island Episode 1.11 Splash

Episode Premiere
Jun 27, 2009
Drama, Thriller
Production Company
CBS Paramount Network TV, Junction Entertainment
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jun 27, 2009
Drama, Thriller
2009 - 2009
Production Co
CBS Paramount Network TV, Junction Entertainment
Official Site
Rick Bota
Dan Shotz
Main Cast

Abby comes face to face with John Wakefield, the man who murdered her mother seven years ago and who just killed her father, Sheriff Mills. Their encounter is interrupted by Henry and Danny heading towards them, brandishing weapons. Wakefield sees the guys and runs away. Inside The Cannery, Shane and Nikki look after an unconscious Jimmy. Madison explains to her mother, Shea, and Trish that it wasn't the Sheriff who abducted her. It was her “new friend,” John Wakefield. She met him the first day they arrived on the island. Madison goes on to tell them that someone brought food to her and Wakefield while they were hiding in the tunnels. Based on this information, the others realize that John Wakefield has an accomplice and it could be someone they know. As they discuss who it could be, Wakefield breaks down the door, armed and ready to kill. Nikki grabs the shotgun behind the bar, but is stabbed before she can use it. Shane fights Wakefield and is able to hold him off long enough for the others to escape, but it costs him his life. Trish, Shea, Madison and Chloe seek refuge in Sheriff Mills' attic. They are surprised to find the material the Sheriff has collected on John Wakefield. While going through the files, Trish comes upon a map of an underground tunnel system that runs throughout the island. This map proves how Wakefield was able to travel undetected from one place to another. Henry, Abby and Danny arrive at the Cannery to find the bodies of Shane and Nikki. But Jimmy is missing. Did Wakefield take him or is he Wakefield's accomplice? In the distance, they hear the church bells ring and go to investigate. At the Sheriff's attic, the girls also hear the bells ring. Trish and Chloe decide to check it out, leaving Shea and Madison in the attic for their own safety. At the church, Trish and Chloe are greeted by Henry, Abby and Danny. Cal and Sully arrive as well. Cal and Chloe are reunited and Cal tells everyone that the sailboat on the other side of the island is no longer there. So their means of escape is gone. Everyone heard the bells but they realize that not one of them rang the bells. They decide to investigate and discover the body of another deputy in one of the pews. The church doors rattle. Guns are aimed at the door as Jimmy walks through them. Abby is happy to see him but the others are wary. Jimmy explains that he woke up at the Cannery to find Shane and Nikki dead. He went into town for help but found no one and when he heard the bells ring, he headed to the church. In the commotion of Jimmy's arrival, Chloe vanishes. Using the tunnel map, Trish explains how Wakefield was able to come in to the church and take Chloe. When they find the entrance to the tunnel in the church, Henry, Abby and Cal head down into it, and ask the others to trap them down there by blocking the other exits. The plan is for Jimmy and Trish to block the other tunnel entrance in the woods by covering the manhole with Nikki's car. Sully and Danny are to block the tunnel entrance at the Candlewick Inn. Henry, Abby and Cal emerge from the tunnels into the woods. Cal finds and rescues Chloe from a locked drain by the river. During their escape they are met by Wakefield who impales Cal and throws his body off the bridge into the gorge below. Wakefield offers Chloe his hand, but she tells him that he will never have her and jumps off the bridge, falling to her death. Meanwhile, at the Sheriff's attic, Shea and Madison dig through the files and discover that Jimmy has an arrest record which leads them to believe that he could be Wakefield's accomplice. The episode ends inside of Nikki's car with Jimmy gently prying the shotgun from a sleeping Trish.