CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Episode 9.10 One to Go (2)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Photo

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Episode 9.10 One to Go (2)

Episode Premiere
Jan 15, 2009
Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Production Company
Jerry Bruckheimer TV, Alliance Atlantis, CBS
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jan 15, 2009
Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
2000 - 2015
Production Co
Jerry Bruckheimer TV, Alliance Atlantis, CBS
Official Site
Alec Smight
Carol Mendelsohn, Naren Shankar
Main Cast
Additional Cast

The CSIs continue to search for the accomplice in the Dick and Jane murders. Investigators work against the clock to find the missing wife of the newest male victim, seen at the end of episode #909, that was found at the burial site of the first D.J.K victim . They believe she is still alive and are taking a second look at the evidence to see if they can uncover any new clues. Dr. Langston (Laurence Fishburne) has been brought onto the new D.J.K task force, at Grissom's request, as a Special Consultant; he helps Grissom get into the mind of Haskell even going to meet with the infamous serial killer to try and trick him into divulging the whereabouts of the missing woman. Soon the CSI team identifies the suspect and finds the location of the home where the killer has taken the missing woman to torture her. The killer is brought down and the woman is found alive thankfully ending the D.J.K killing spree. Grissom realizes that with the conclusion of the D.J.K case his time as a CSI has ended and offers Langston a spot on the CSI team. With his departure, Grissom surprises Sara and gives her the news that he has left CSI.