Chuck Episode 1.05 Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp
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Chuck Episode 1.05 Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp

Episode Premiere
Oct 22, 2007
Comedy, Action
Production Company
College Hill, The WB, Wonderland Sound & Vision
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Oct 22, 2007
Comedy, Action
2007 - 2012
Production Co
College Hill, The WB, Wonderland Sound & Vision
Official Site
David Solomon
Scott Rosenbaum
Main Cast
Additional Cast
  • Creagen Dow
  • Jesse Heiman
  • Rick Hoffman
  • Ilyse Mimoun
  • Noel True
  • Gwendoline Yeo

It's time for an evening with Morgan; Chuck, Ellie and Sarah are invited. The evening will have three acts: A take-out dinner of sizzling shrimp from Bamboo Dragon, a screening of "Enter the Dragon," and illegal fireworks bought off the street in Chinatown. Chuck puts the kibosh on the fireworks, fearful of losing his fingers. Meanwhile, Chinese businessman Lee Cho is kidnapped right outside the Chinese Consulate and dragged into the Bamboo Dragon delivery van.

The Bamboo Dragon is closed for a private party, so Morgan finds a kitchen worker's hidden key and lets himself in the kitchen. Chuck sees a waitress and has a flash. Mei-Ling Cho is a Chinese intelligence agent, who is on U.S. soil for the first time. After reporting to Washington, Casey gives Chuck a pile of files to go through, telling him to blow off dinner - he may be the only one able to figure out why Mei-Ling is here.

Ellie's pissed that Chuck didn't show for dinner, leaving her with Morgan. He offers the excuse that Sarah was sick with a spastic colon. Tomorrow is Ellie and Chuck's special version of Mother's Day, and Chuck better not miss it. Chuck didn't find anything in the files, so Casey tells him he will come along on a stake-out of Bamboo Dragon. Big Mike sets up a sales contest for the green shirt employees. Whoever comes in last place will be fired. Morgan is worried, given that he's the worst salesman ever.

Morgan knows his sales skills are nonexistent, so he of course asks Chuck to help. Chuck has plans, but promises to try to fit Morgan in after the stake-out. Goons wheel Ben Lo Pan's wheelchair to a limo waiting outside Bamboo Dragon. Mei-Ling follows him on her motorcycle to a Chinese club. Chuck flashes on Mei-Ling's gun and claims she's there to assassinate Ben Lo Pan, so Casey and Sarah follow her into the club, telling Chuck to stay put.

Mei-Ling starts shooting up the club, and Ben Lo Pan escapes. Chuck sees him outside, and helps him into the limo, shocked when some goons muscle Lee Cho into the trunk and drive off. Mei-Ling tells Chuck that Lee Cho is her brother, and Ben Lo Pan is Triad. Chuck apologizes for blowing it. Casey calls into Washington. Mei-Ling's story checks out, and she has left her country without permission to help her brother. Casey and Sarah want to stay out of it, but Chuck wants to help. What if it was Ellie?

Mei-Ling calls the Nerd Herd phone to tell Chuck that her brother is scheduled to die in nine hours, and he has to help with the rescue. Chuck asks Sarah and Casey how Mei-Ling could be valuable - what if he can convince her to defect? Chuck accepts a delivery in the storage cage, shocked when Mei-Ling pulls a gun on him. She claims she will never defect, but Chuck manages to persuade her, forcing Casey and Sarah to agree to help rescue her brother.

Mei-Ling has a floor plan of Ben Lo Pan's estate, where her brother is being guarded by a private army. Recognizing the security cameras can be remote accessed, Chuck offers to help, as long as he is back in time for Mother's Day. Meanwhile, Morgan almost makes a sale to a hot woman, but winds up telling her that what she wants is cheaper at another store. She offers her phone number, but Jeff and Lester out Morgan. If he would sell instead of scam, he might not still be living with his mother. The woman asks for her number back.

Chuck stays in the van watching the estate's security cameras and directing Sarah, Casey and Mei-Ling. Just as they reach Ben Lo Pan, the cameras all go dark. Ben Lo Pan informs that the Chinese have refused to pay for Lee Cho, but now that he has a few agents, he's sure to get some cash. The captives are loaded into the Bamboo Dragon van and taken to the restaurant where they are shoved in a freezer.

Chuck blows off a call from Ellie to tail the van. Ellie hangs out with Morgan, and he comforts her, telling her what a good sister she is. Morgan knows he's going to lose the sales competition, and plans to fall on his sword before he can be fired. Chuck buys some fireworks from Morgan's dealer, and throws them into the Bamboo Dragon van. When the goons run out, he sneaks into the restaurant and frees everyone from the freezer. A big fight ensues, but in the end Lee Cho is rescued and Ben Lo Pan is caught.

Back at home, Ellie's upset. When did she and Chuck start keeping secrets? Ellie claims to know Chuck's secret: he hasn't had a girl in a long time, and now he's in love. Not only did Chuck miss their most important day, but does he even know that Morgan is about to be fired? Chuck begs to reschedule for the following evening.

Morgan is just handing in his letter of resignation when Lester informs that there's a big spender in the store asking for Morgan specifically. It's Ellie, and she's buying early gifts to help out Morgan, putting him into second place. Casey and Sarah congratulate Chuck on his good work. He's reunited Mei-Ling with her brother, and convinced her to defect.

Ellie invites Morgan and Sarah to Mother's Day. Chuck tells Ellie that wasn't necessary and that she'll always be his best girl, but she hopes not. Chuck explains that Mother's Day is to celebrate the day when their mother left, and he and Ellie learned to take care of themselves. Morgan asks Chuck for Ellie's hand in marriage. When he realizes she's overheard, he leaves before she can tell him to. Chuck's just thrilled to see Morgan and Ellie get along for twelve hours. It's a Mother's Day miracle!