The Brink Episode 1.06 Tweet Tweet Tweet
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The Brink Episode 1.06 Tweet Tweet Tweet

Episode Premiere
Jul 26, 2015
Comedy, Action
Production Company
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jul 26, 2015
Comedy, Action
2015 - 2015
Production Co
Official Site
Michael Lehmann
Sam Forman
Main Cast

Walter takes a call from President Navarro, who orders him back to D.C. After he hangs up with Walter, the president asks his assistant for a list of candidates to replace his defiant Secretary of State. Meanwhile, Walter finds Sec Def Pierce and confronts him about Haroon Raja, but they're interrupted when Joanne, Walter's wife, arrives. Walter is shocked to learn she's working for Pierce despite his many protests.

At Vanessa and Martin's, Zeke and Jammer search in vain for a telephone. Martin returns with dessert, and Zeke demands one last time to make a phone call. Martin agrees to allow each man one call, on the condition that the two of them indulge him and Vanessa "in a little sport."

Alex meets with Ambassador Kittredge, who tells him about a "vision" he had where he walked with a lion, a leopard and a bear along the Sea of Reeds. There, a seven-headed beast rose from the water, and the ambassador climbed onto the creature's back and flew through the air, past a flock of birds, and into the Lord's kingdom. Kittredge believes that Alex's arrival with the seven girls represents the seven-headed beast, and insists they keep the girls at the embassy while they await the end of the world.

Walter apologizes to Joanne for his earlier outrage over her new job. He begs for her to help him find Haroon Raja using her connection with Pierce. Not wanting to risk her livelihood, Joanne closes the door in her husband's face. However, her resolve does not last long; she soon finds Walter in the hotel lobby and reveals that Raja is in Geneva. Walter boards his plane intent on finding Raja, only to discover a different pilot in command. The pilot informs Walter that his usual crew has been "relieved of duty" and that he's under executive order to bring Walter back to D.C.

Dressed in period-appropriate armor, Zeke and Jammer listen as Martin, video camera in hand, explains that they're to play Spanish conquistadors and have sex with Vanessa, who'll play a tribal princess. Then, they'll be allowed to use the phone. Zeke balks, suggesting Vanessa isn't a willing participant, but she quickly dispels the notion by instructing Zeke and Jammer what to do in great - and vulgar - detail. Jammer decides to go for it and begins motorboating Vanessa. Martin, really getting into the role play, draws an antique gun and fires it at Zeke, knocking him to the floor.

Alex finds Rafiq and Fareeda in the embassy cafeteria, where he tells them about Kittredge's "vision". They hurry to escape the embassy, but it's too late. Security informs them that they're on lockdown - direct orders from the ambassador.

After determining Zeke is relatively unharmed, Vanessa calls an end to the role play and tells him they can use their phone. Martin threatens that Vanessa is "a dead woman" if she lets them, and she shoots him in the leg with a bow and arrow. While compressing the wound, Jammer urges Vanessa to get Martin to a hospital, where she pays off a local warlord to get her husband care. The warlord's son enters the "exam room" and immediately recognizes Zeke and Jammer; he's one of the captors Zeke hit with his gun when they escaped.

Alex confronts Kittredge about the lockdown. He directs Alex's attention to the news, where it's revealed that the first online activity from Pakistan since the internet blackout came from the seven girls inside the embassy. Zaman believes that the girls are being held captive, and vows to rescue them. This is another sign to the ambassador, who believes the "tweeting" is symbolic of the flock of birds he saw in his prophetic dream.