The Brink Episode 1.05 Swim, Shmuley, Swim
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The Brink Episode 1.05 Swim, Shmuley, Swim

Episode Premiere
Jul 19, 2015
Comedy, Action
Production Company
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jul 19, 2015
Comedy, Action
2015 - 2015
Production Co
Official Site
James Muro
Jack Kukoda
Main Cast

Zeke and Jammer attempt to negotiate with the two men pointing guns at them, but the language barrier only frustrates them further. After getting knocked to the ground, Zeke distracts one of their captors by throwing dirt in his face and stealing his gun. He and Jammer make their escape and continue their unsuccessful search for their plane. Drained from the heat, they watch as a car approaches, but Zeke passes out before the driver reaches them.

While Alex and Rafiq discuss how to get back into the embassy to call Walter, Rafiq's mother tells them she can't get in touch with Fareeda at the school where she works. Alex grabs Rafiq's uncle's car keys and insists that he and Rafiq will go together, despite his protests. En route, Alex calls Walter on his cell, despite it not being a secure line. They talk in code and Walter assures Alex he's not going to Baghdad, as Walter plans to have Kittredge canned as soon as the crisis is contained.

Walter arrives at the Israeli foreign minister's offices. Though he's not on the schedule, Walter charms his way into an impromptu meeting, asking the foreign minister's security to relay his message that if Minister Levi wishes "to avoid a meshuganah international incident," she better damn well see him.Alex and Rafiq find Fareeda at her ravaged school. She explains that Zaman's militants called in a bomb threat and then trashed the place before everyone evacuated. Before they leave she opens a door, revealing the students she's kept hidden. The girls are boarders from the outer provinces and have nowhere to go. Looking to be a hero, Alex suggests they bring the girls to the U.S. Embassy.

Walter attempts to schedule a meeting with the Israeli prime minister through Minister Levi, who explains that she was instructed only to negotiate with Pierce. Walter refuses to leave her office and snatches the phone from her when the prime minister calls, quickly pleading his case. Intrigued by Walter's "childish move", the prime minister agrees to a quick meeting.Zeke and Jammer finally wake and take in their decadent surroundings. In the midst of their exploration, they're greeted by their hosts, Vanessa and Martin, a British couple with a penchant for bickering. The couple leads them into a dining room where a lavish feast has been laid out. While they eat, Zeke asks for the telephone but Martin brushes off the request. Zeke continues to push, but Vanessa reminds him they're a hundred miles from civilization with nothing but rocks and the Taliban in between. Besides, as Martin explains ominously, he and Vanessa have "exciting plans" for the two men.

At the embassy, Alex connects with Kittredge and attempts to plead his case with the girls. Kittredge refuses to help Alex until he sees the group of seven girls, his demeanor making a quick about face. He promises to arrange accommodations for the girls immediately, and everyone is taken aback by his generosity. As Rafiq and Fareeda lead the girls away, Kittredge pulls a bewildered Alex aside for a hug and tells him, "It's begun. Dear lord, it's begun."

Following a successful meeting with the prime minister, Walter waits anxiously for him to return from a meeting with his generals. When he emerges, he tells Walter that he bought him "a few hours at most," but Walte's victory is cut short by the arrival of Pierce. Pierce explains that Haroon Raja was spotted at the Frankfurt airport with 80 million dollars cash in hand. Angry that Walter wasted his time, the prime minister leaves with Pierce to discuss next steps.