Top 10 Good Horror Movies That Will Keep You Up All Night
Pexels/David Gomes

By exploring a blend of classic and contemporary films, this list of top 10 good horror movies provides a comprehensive look at some of the most terrifying entries in the genre.


For those with an appetite for the eerie and spine-chilling, finding good horror movies can be a gratifying endeavor. Whether you are a seasoned horror enthusiast or a casual viewer seeking a scare, the right film can leave a lasting impression. In this article, we will explore the top 10 horror movies that are guaranteed to keep you up all night. Each selection has been meticulously chosen to provide a mix of classic and modern scares, atmospheric tension and unforgettable moments. Brace yourself as we delve into the world of horror cinema.

1. The Exorcist (1973)

Widely regarded as one of the best horror movies of all time, "The Exorcist" is a must-watch for any horror aficionado. The film, directed by William Friedkin, tells the story of a young girl possessed by a malevolent entity. With its stellar performances, groundbreaking special effects and masterful direction, "The Exorcist" delivers a truly terrifying experience.

2. Hereditary (2018)

Ari Aster's directorial debut, "Hereditary", is a slow-burning horror that builds to an unforgettable climax. The film explores the unraveling of a family after the death of a secretive grandmother. Toni Collette's powerful performance and Aster's meticulous direction make "Hereditary" one of the most disturbing films in recent memory.

3. The Conjuring (2013)

James Wan's "The Conjuring" is renowned for its effective use of tension and genuine scares. Based on the true story of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, the film chronicles their investigation into a haunted farmhouse. The expert storytelling and spine-tingling visuals make "The Conjuring" a standout in modern horror.

4. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Wes Craven's "A Nightmare on Elm Street" introduced the world to the sinister Freddy Krueger, a villain who terrorizes teenagers in their dreams. The film's imaginative premise and unsettling sequences have cemented its status as a horror classic, offering endless nightmares to its viewers.

5. The Babadook (2014)

"The Babadook", directed by Jennifer Kent, is a psychological horror that delves into themes of grief and maternal anguish. The story follows a widowed mother and her troubled son, who are haunted by a sinister entity from a mysterious book. With its haunting atmosphere and emotional depth, "The Babadook" is both frightening and profoundly moving.

6. It Follows (2014)

"It Follows", directed by David Robert Mitchell, presents a unique and terrifying concept: a shape-shifting entity that relentlessly pursues its victim. The film's effective use of suspense and dread, combined with its minimalist style, creates an unsettling ambiance that lingers long after the credits roll.

7. The Shining (1980)

No list of good horror movies is complete without Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of Stephen King's "The Shining". The film stars Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance, a writer who becomes the winter caretaker of the isolated Overlook Hotel. As the supernatural forces within the hotel begin to unravel his sanity, viewers are treated to some of the most iconic and haunting scenes in cinema history.

8. Get Out (2017)

Jordan Peele's "Get Out" is a genre-defining film that masterfully blends horror with social commentary. The story centers on a young African American man who visits his white girlfriend's family estate, only to uncover disturbing and sinister secrets. "Get Out" is both thought-provoking and terrifying, earning its place among modern horror classics.

9. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

Tobe Hooper's "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" remains one of the most influential horror films ever made. The low-budget production follows a group of friends who fall victim to a family of cannibalistic psychopaths. It's raw brutality and relentless tension make it a harrowing viewing experience that remains impactful decades after its release.

10. The Witch (2015)

Robert Eggers' "The Witch" is a period horror film set in 1630s New England. The story follows a puritanical family exiled from their community, only to encounter malevolent forces in the wilderness. The film's meticulous attention to historical detail, combined with its unsettling atmosphere, offers a deeply immersive and chilling experience.


From the chilling ambiance of "The Witch" to the relentless terror of "The Exorcist", these good horror movies are sure to keep you up all night. By exploring a blend of classic and contemporary films, this list provides a comprehensive look at some of the most terrifying entries in the genre. So grab some popcorn, turn off the lights and prepare yourself for a night of spine-tingling horror.

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